Audio Visual Unit was started with an analog and manual editing system, which consisted with few basic types of equipment. At present we are equipped with a studio with recording facilities and a high-tech digital editing system.
At present, the unit is capable of doing both indoor (in the studio) and outdoor video and audio recordings. Our studio is equipped with a digital audio and video recording system and a digital computerized video editing system.
High quality digital photography with modern editing facilities are also available with a team specialized in taking high quality clinical photographs.
How to utilize the services
AV unit warmly welcomes all the personals who wish to produce audio video materials in relation to medical education. Everyone can forward their ideas to the Staff of the AVU and then build up the necessary script with the help of them.
Once the script is ready, please forward it to the Head AVU and get it approved and then the production can be started. Having a good script makes things easier during recording and editing of the productions. We do not provide master copy of our productions at anytime. To obtain copies of our productions, it is necessary to obtain prior permission from the Head of the AV Unit.