“Research in the New Normal; Navigating beyond Challenges”
The Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, is held in concurrence with the university of Colombo research symposium, with the objective of showcasing research and innovations of the staff and students of the Faculty.
The challenges in the new-normal forced the event to be held in a virtual platform complemented with a hybrid inauguration ceremony. The organising committee navigated through the challenges to put together a colourful programme consisting of two symposia and two panel discussions by an eminent panel of experts in their respective fields, The lineup of events includes four free paper sessions and a virtual poster presentation session, which could be accessed through this page. A video presentation of the research activities of the departments in the Faculty will be another highlight of the symposium.
The organising committee invites you to be part of this celebration of research amidst challenges.
Stream 1 >
Stream 2 >
You can direct your questions to the speakers through Slido by clicking ‘Ask a question at Stream 1’ or ‘Ask a question at Stream 2’ below.
If the Slido mobile app is used, key in the appropriate Slido code (#fmrs2020-stream1 or #fmrs2020-stream2) mentioned in the Programme Schedule to send the question to the relevant session moderator/chair.
You may ask the question anonymously, and hence a Slido profile is not required for this process.