Nutritional problems continue to be important globally, especially in view of their association with short term as well as long term health consequences. As in many developing countries, nutritional problems related to under nutrition have been the main focus of attention over the past few decades in Sri Lanka. With the recent epidemiological and social transition, nutrition-related diseases such as non-communicable diseases are becoming public health problems creating a double burden of diseases in the country.
Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics is a 4 moths/ 94 credit hours program conducted by the Department of Community Medicine. The program has been designed for the professionals in nutrition and/or dietetics who is willing to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes for prevention of nutrition related health problems and promotion of nutritional status at individual and community level, Dietary management of common clinical conditions and so on.
To develop knowledge, skills and attitudes for,
- Prevention of nutrition related health problems and promotion of nutritional status at individual and community level.
- Dietary management of common clinical conditions.
- Duration: 4 months, 15 Weekends (Sunday 9.00-4.15 pm & Saturday 1.00-4.15 pm)
- Credit Hours: 94 hours/50= 1.9
- SLQF level: 2
- A graduate holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Biology or Allied sciences. OR
- Equivalent qualifications with minimum experience of 3 years in nutrition and/or dietetics
Average number of students per batch: 7 – 15
- Lectures/ Lecture discussions
- Small group discussions
- Case studies
- Practicals/ Assignments
- Demonstrations
- Self-study
- Student seminar
- Case presentations
- Short Essay questions (04), Objective structured practical examination OSPE (10) at the end of the course
- Two assignments given during the course.
- Assignments: 20%
- End of Course examination,
- Theory: 50%
- OSCE/OSPE: 30%
- Internal from departments of Community Medicine, Biochemistry, Physiology, Paediatrics, Microbiology, Anesthesiology.
- External from the Ministry of Health (Family Health Bureau, Food Unit, Coronary care unit, Nutrition coordination division), MRI, Rajarata University, Wayamba University, Private sector.
- External Collaborator(s): Ms. Sigrid de Silva (Senior Dietician, private sector)
Registration Fee: Rs. 2,000/-
Course Fee: Rs. 35,000/-
Examination Fee: Rs. 5,000/-
Total Fee: Rs. 42,000/=
Professor Carukshi Arambepola,
Course Organizer/ Director,
Department of Community Medicine.
Phone: +94 112 695 300 ext. 142/ 143