Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety
- demonstrate knowledge and principles (anatomical, physiological and behavioural) that are essential for the use and care of animals recruited for research.
- apply ethical principles in lab animal research when designing an animal experiment.
- recognize appropriate sedative, anaesthetic and analgesic drugs and methods that could be used in surgeries of lab animals.
- discuss the physical environment and optimal conditions necessary for management of an animal house.
- demonstrate all relevant practical aspects in animal experiments including animal handling, feeding, injecting substances, harvesting organs and suturing.
- use efficiently and effectively ‘Replacement, Refinement, Reduction, Responsibilities and Rehabilitation’ concepts in laboratory animal science when conducting an animal experiment.
- critically appraise published reports and journal articles related to laboratory animal science.
- use appropriate statistical knowledge and skills in conducting research.
- develop suitable alternative models using local material with creativity and innovation.
- use the knowledge acquired to develop a protocol using lab animals and/or alternatives.
- Duration: 4 months
- Credit Hours: 9
- SLQF level: 1
A minimum of two years experience in an industrial/ work setting will qualify a person to apply for the course.
written paper/ interview.
Average number of students per batch: 30
- Lecture/ Discussion
- Case Studies
- Student Presentations
- Video Presentations
- Field Visits
- Practical/laboratory Sessions
- Assignment (individual & group)
- Assignment – Report (individual), Field visit/ Presentation (group)
- End of course Examination – Theory paper and OSPE
- Professor Vera Baumans – (International Advisor, Netherlands), PhD, Lab animal science expert
- Mr. Pim Rooymans (Netherlands), BSc.
- Dr. Jan Meijer (Netherlands), PhD.
- Dr. Montip Gettayacamin (Thailand), PhD.
- Dr. Vijay Pal Singh (India), PhD.
- Professor M. Akbarsha (India), PhD.
Local – Internal
- Professor Mangala Gunatilake Dept. of Physiology, UOC)
- Professor Preethi Soysa (Dept. of Biochemistry, UOC)
- Dr. Dilshani Dissanayake, Dept. of Physiology, UOP)
- Dr. Tharanga Thoradeniya (Dept. of Biochemistry, UOC)
- Dr. Dulani Samaranayake (Dept. of Community Medicine, UOC)
Local – External
- Professor Preethi Udugama (Dept. of Zoology, UOC)
- Dr. Kamal Perera (IIM, UOC)
- Dr. Mayuri Thammitiyagodage (Head/Animal House, MRI)
- Professor Sugandhika Suresh (Senior Lecturer, Dept of Biochemistry, SJP)
- Dr. Eranga Rajapaksha (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, University of Peradeniya)
- Dr. Nayana Wijewardane (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, UOP)
- Dr. Ramani Karunakaran of MRI
- Dr. Chamila Layanaarachchie (Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya)
** Lectures by internationals if they are not in a position to attend, will be conducted as video presentations sent by them.
External / Internal collaborators: Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Registration Fee: Rs. 10,000/-
- Course Fee: Rs. 60,000/-
- Examination Fee: Rs. 10,000/-
- Total Fee : Rs. 80,000/-
- Application Fee: Rs. 250/=
Dr.Dulani Samaranayake,
Program Coordinator,
Department of Community Medicine,
Phone: +94 112677765/ +94 112695300