Accurate Cardiotocography (CTG) interpretation is an essential, complex analytical skill requiring holistic understanding of pattern recognition, fetal physiology and the overall clinical picture. As a developing nation with limited access to specialized fetal tests, there is exists a need for a CTG training course tailor-made for Sri Lankan healthcare workers. Thus, this course will focus on providing both factual input and hands-on training regarding CTG interpretation and appropriate intervention.
- Understand the physiological basis of fetal oxygenation
- Understand the physiological basis of intrapartum hypoxia
- Acquire the skill in accurate interpretation of cardiotocographs Understand
- the physiology based approach for the assessment of fetal monitoring
- Incorporate physiology based approach into management of labour
- Learn practical tips for fetal monitoring during labour
- Duration: 3 months
- Credit Hours: 60
- SLQF Level: 1
- A basic degree (Medical) from a recognized university
- Other suitable qualifications: (e.g. a certified nurse or certified midwife) A nurse or midwife who works in a hospital providing maternity care services
- A person who wishes to register for the course leading to the Certificate course in intrapartum CTG monitoring shall submit an application in response to a notice, to the Registrar of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo in the prescribed form, furnishing his/her qualifications and other information required for undertaking this course
- A person whose application for registration for the course is accepted by the Faculty of Medicine shall be required to pay to the University of Colombo, the registration, tuition, examination and any other fees prescribed by the Council. On payment of the registration fees the candidate will be registered for the above course. Such a registration once made will be valid for a period of six months from the date of registration.
- Lectures
- Video presentations
- Practical sessions
- Group discussions
The evaluation will be based on a Multiple Choice Question / Single Best Answer written post-test (duration 30 min) to be done at the end of the course. A logbook o fcases will also be assessed.
Rs. 15000.00
Ms. Achala Abeysinghe
Department of obstetric & Gynaecology
Dr. Mohamed Rishard
Department of obstetric & Gynaecology
0773741850 (If needed)
mrishard@obg.cmb.ac.lk, rishi7875@yahoo.com