
  • Develop Annual Action Plans for research development and innovation of the Faculty in line with the University Strategic Plan.

  • Administer sharing of research related resources available in the UCFM

  • Provide administrative support to the committees of the centre and the research-related centres of the UCFM

  • Conduct regular research training workshops/programs

  • Support researchers to identify collaborators and facilitate collaborations

  • Facilitate, monitor and support the approval and signing of MOUs, agreements, contracts, and MTAs

  • Support in handling research grants

Board of Management

Vidya Jyothi Prof Vajira H.W. Dissanayake


Dean, Faculty of Medicine

Professor Dilshani Dissanayake


Professor Nilakshi Samaranayake

Deputy Director

Vidya Jyothi Prof Vajira H.W. Dissanayake

Colombo Medical Congress Committee

Professor Pujitha Wickramasinghe

Research Degrees Committee

Professor Dilshani Dissanayake

Research Monitoring & Evaluation Committee

Professor Priyanga Ranasinghe

Ethics Review Committee

Professor Prasad Katulanda

Ceylon Journal of Medical Sciences Editorial Board

Dr. Shreenika Weliange

Research Training Committee

Professor Tharanga Thoradeniya

Research Collaboration and Grant Support Committee

Professor Kalum Wettasinghe

Technology Transfer Office

Professor Sharmila Jayasena

Research Communication & Publicity Committee