Center for Sport and Exercise Medicine
Center for Sport and Exercise Medicine

The Center for Sport and Exercise Medicine provides a range of services to the athletes and community. Specialists in sports and exercise medicine, exercise physiology, musculoskeletal medicine, and nutrition work closely with other medical specialties and allied health professionals to deliver optimum care for athletes and patients. In addition to the undergraduate and postgraduate training, we also conduct world-class research in sports, exercise, and physical activity.

To be a leader in the delivery, promotion and enrichment of holistic health care through sports and exercise medicine

To develop as a centre of excellence in Sri Lanka in the provision and promotion of clinical care, research and education in sports and exercise medicine and science to facilitate a holistic approach to health care and wellbeing.


Opening ceremony of the ‘Hydrotherapy and Recovery Room’ of the Center for Sport and Exercise Medicine (CSEM) Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo

Opening ceremony of the ‘Hydrotherapy and Recovery Room’ of the Center for Exercise Medicine(CSEM) Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo was held on the 10th of February 2025 at the UCFM tower Faculty of Medicine. The event was attended by more than 150 invitees and was graced by the vice chancellor Professor HD Karunarathne ,…


The inaugural workshop of the Sport and Exercise Medicine Team organized by the Faculty of Medicine Sports Association (FMSA) hand in hand with The Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo was held on the 29th of April,2023 at the Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo…

Asia Sports Medicine and Science Award 2022 – Dr. Chathuranga Ranasinghe

Congratulations to Chathuranga on winning the 7th Sheikh Fahad Hiroshima-Asia Sports Medicine and Science Award in line with the Asian Games 2022, by the Hiroshima City Sports Association, Hiroshima, Japan at the General Assembly of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) (mother organization of all 45 National Olympic Committees (NOC)/countries in Asia) on the 4th…
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