Internal Quality Assurance Cell – IQAC
Internal Quality Assurance Cell – IQAC

Internal Quality Assurance Cell, of the Faculty of Medicine, liaise with the Director, Internal Quality Assurance Unit of the University of Colombo to coordinate university level Quality Assurance (QA) activities. It works with other related committees and units within the Faculty such as Curriculum Development and Evaluation Committee, Academic Standards Committee and the Department of Medical Education with regard to all QA related activities.

The Cell was established in 2011 under the directive of the QA Unit of the University of Colombo. The Cell aims to formalize and streamline the QA process at both Faculty and University level. It represents all stakeholders for quality within the Faculty, including academic staff, medical students, administrative staff and non-academic staff. The three principal areas for action are teaching/learning, research and service provision. The QA Cell not only sensitives the stakeholders on the need for QA but also develops indicators and targets for quality based on national and international standards. As an advisory body, the QA Cell makes recommendations to the higher authorities such as the Dean, Curriculum Development & Evaluation Committee and Examinations Unit on issues regarding quality.
