Main Areas of Research: Malaria
Malaria imposed a tremendous health burden in Sri Lanka, until the year 2000. The key factors that contributed to the successful reduction of malaria incidence included successful integrated vector control, entomological and parasitological surveillance, thorough epidemiological investigations, disease management, and financial support for diagnostic laboratories and health education. In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) certified Sri Lanka as malaria-free. The last indigenous case of malaria in Sri Lanka was reported in October 2012; however, imported malaria cases continue to be recorded in notable numbers (95, 49, 36, 41, 47, and 48 cases reported during successive years between 2013–2018). As the past predicts, there remains a risk of malaria re-introduction. The PDRU continues to conduct research on malaria transmission/ host genetics and parasite genetics, to help prevention of re-introduction of the disease.
Main Areas of Research – Publications Malaria
- Plasmodium parasite genetics and parasite features
Papers in peer review journals
- Grech K, Martinelli A, Pathirana S, Walliker D, Hunt P & Carter R, (2002). Numerous, robust genetic markers for Plasmodium chabaudi by the method of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. Parasitology.123:95-104.
- Tanabe K, Escalante A, Sakihama N, Honda M, Arisue N, Horii T, Culloton R, Hayakawa T, Hashimoto T, Longacre S, Pathirana S, Handunnetti S, Kishino H, (2007). Recent independent evolution of msp1polymorphism in Plasmodium vivaxand related simian malaria parasites. Mol. Biochem. Parasitology 156(1): 74-79.
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Hartl DL, Wirth DF, (2007). Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for the human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7(1):172-175.
- Karunaweera ND, Wanasekera LD, Chandrasekeran V, Mendis KN, Carter R, (2007). Plasmodium vivax malaria: paroxysm-associated lipids mediate leukocyte aggregation. Malaria Journal, 6(1): 62.
- Ferreira MU, Karunaweera ND, da Silva-Nunes M, da Silva NS, Wirth DF, Hartl DL, (2007). Population Structure and Transmission Dynamics of Plasmodium vivax in Rural Amazonia. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 195(8):1218-1226.
- Tanabe K, Escalante A, Sakihama N, Honda M, Arisue N, Horii T, Culloton R, Hayakawa T, Hashimoto T, Longacre S, Pathirana S, Handunnetti S, Kishino H, (2007). Recent independent evolution of msp1 polymorphism in Plasmodium vivax and related simian malaria parasites. Molecular Biochemical Parasitology, 156: 74-79.
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Munasinghe A, Barnwell JW, Collins WE, King CL, Kawamoto F, Hartl DL, Wirth DF, (2008). Extensive Microsatellite Diversity in the Human Malaria Parasite Plasmodium vivax. Gene, 410(1):105-112.
- Manamperi A, Mahawithanage S, Fernando D, Wickremasinghe R, Bandara A, Hapuarachchi C, Abeywickrame W, Wickremasinghe R, (2008). Genotyping of Plasmodium vivax infections in Sri Lanka using Pvmsp-3α and Pvcs genes as markers: a preliminary report. Tropical Biomedicine, 25 (2), 100-106.
- Orjuela-Sanchez P, Karunaweera ND, da Silva-Nunes M, da Silva NS, Scopel KKG, Goncalves RM, Amaratunga C, Sa D Socheat JM, Fairhust RM, Gunawardena S, Thavakodirasah T, Galapaththy GNL, Abeysinghe R, Kawamoto F, Wirth DF, Ferreira MU, (2010). Single-nucleotide polymorphism, linkage disequilibrium and geographic structure in the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax: prospects for genome-wide association studies. BMC Genetics 2010, 11: 65. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/11/65
- Gunawardena GSA, Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Phone-Kyaw M, Pollack R, Alifrangis M, Rajakaruna R, Konradsen F, Amerasinghe P, Abeyasinghe R, Galappaththy G, Hartl DL, Wirth DF, (2010). Geographic structure of Plasmodium vivax: microsatellite analysis of parasite populations from Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Ethiopia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 82(2):235–242.
- Zhang JJ, Senaratne TN, Daniels R, Valim C, Alifrangis M, Amerasinghe P, Konradsen F, Rajakaruna R, Wirth DF, Karunaweera ND, (2011). Distribution pattern of Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine transporter (pfcrt) gene haplotypes in Sri Lanka 1996-2006. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 85(5): 811–814.
- Mendis KN, David PH and Carter R, (1991). Antigenic polymorphism in malaria: is it an important mechanism for immune evasion? Today Elsevier Trends Journal ( Eds C.Ash and R.B. Gallagner) A34-A39.
- Premawansa S, Snewin VA, Khouri E, Mendis KN David PH, (1993). Plasmodium vivax:Recombination between potential allelic types of the merozoite surface protein MSP1 in parasites isolated from patients. Exp Parasitol 76: 192-199.
- Creasey AM, Mendis KN, Carlton J, Williamson DH, Wilson RJM Carter R, (1994). Maternal inheritance of the extrachromosomal DNA elements in malaria parasites. Mol Biochem Parasitol 65: 95-98.
- Longacre S, Mendis KN David PH, (1994). Plasmodium vivaxmerozoite surface protein 1 C-terminal recombinant proteins in baculovirus. Mol Biochem Parasitol 64: 191-205.
- Snewin VA, Khouri E, Wattavidanage J, Perera KLRL, Premawansa S, Mendis KN David PH, (1995). A new polymorphic marker for PCR typing ofPlasmodium vivaxMol Biochem Parasitol 71: 135-138.
- Snewin VA, Khouri E, Mattei D, Tekaia F, Delarue M, Mendis KN David PH, (1996). Cloning and characterisation of a gene from Plasmodium vivax and knowlesi: homology with valine-tRNA synthetase. Gene 173: 137-145.
- Snewin VA, Carter R, Mendis KN David PH, (1997). Characterization of two Plasmodium vivax genes cloned by screening with transmission-blocking monoclonal antibodies. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 91(Suppl.1): S25-S29.
- Holm I, Nato F, Mendis KN Longacre S, (1997). Characterization of C-terminal merozoite surface protein-1 baculovirus recombinant proteins from Plasmodium vivaxand Plasmodium cynomolgi as recognized by the natural anti-parasite immune response. Mol Biochem Parasitol 89: 313-319.
- Perera KLRL, Handunnetti SM, Holm I, Longacre S, Mendis KN, (1998). Baculovirus merozoite surface protein 1 C-terminal recombinant antigens are highly protective in a natural primate model for human Plasmodium vivaxInfect Immun 66: 1500-1506.
- Handunnetti SM, Mendis KN and David PH, (1987). Antigenic variation of cloned Plasmodium fragilein its natural host Macaca sinica: sequential appearance of successive variant antigenic types. J Exp Med 165: 1269-1283.
- Udagama PV, David PH, Peiris JSM, Ariyaratne YG, Perera KLRL and Mendis KN, (1987). Demonstration of antigenic polymorphism in Plasmodium vivaxmalaria with a panel of 30 monoclonal antibodies. Infect Immun 55: 2604-2611.
- Langsley G, Patarapotikul J, Handunnetti SM, Khouri E, Mendis KN and David PH, (1988). Plasmodium vivax: Karyotype polymorphism of field isolates. Exp Parasitol 67: 301-306.
- Mendis KN, Ihalamulla RL and David PH, (1988). Diversity of vivax induced antigens on the surface of infected human erythrocytes. Am J Trop Med Hyg 38: 42-46.
- Premawansa S, Peiris JSM, Perera KLRL, Ariyaratne G, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1990). Target antigens of transmission blocking immunity of Plasmodium vivaxmalaria: Characterization and polymorphism in natural parasite isolates. J Immunol 144: 4376-4383.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Munasinghe RA, Pathirana PPSL, Jagadeesh SA, Ileperuma M and Handunnetti SM (2001). Auto agglutination abilities of Plasmodium falciparum parasite isolates from severe complicated and uncomplicated falciparum Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Munasinghe RA, Premawansa G, Premawansa S, Jagadeesh SAA, Ileperuma M and Handunnetti SM (2001). Assoication between resetting of Plasmodium falciparum parasite isolates and haematological parameters of falciparuminfected patients. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Munasinghe A, Kapila Nanda GMG, Premawansa G, Handunnetti S and Premawansa S (2002). Associations between cytoadherent Properties of Plasmodium falciparum parasitesand malarial disease severity of Sri Lankan patients”. 6th FIMSA advanced course and conference titled “Molecular mechanisms of infection and immunity”. October 20-25.
- Wijayalath WAWK, Rajakaruna J, Gamage K, Perera K, Perera KLRL, Ameratunga C, Sakihama N, Tanabe K, Cheesman S, Carter R, Handunnetti SM and PPSL Pathirana (2004). Studies on genetic composition of primary and relapse parasites of Plasmodium cynomolgi Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Sessions of Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka. B-2.
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Hartl DL, Wirth DW. (2006). Microsatellite diversity of Plasmodium vivax isolates from Sri Lanka. Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. November 2006. Abstract.
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Hartl DL, Wirth DW. (2007). Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax isolates from Sri Lanka. Annual meeting of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, United Kingdom. Abstract.
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Barnwell JW, Munasinghe A, King C, Kawamoto F, Hartl D, Wirth DF (2008). Extensive genetic diversity in the human malaria parasite vivax. 57th Annual meeting, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 70(6):634. Abstract.
- Manamperi A., Mahawithanage S., Fernando D., Wickremasinghe R., Bandara A., Hapuarachchi C., Abeywickrame W., Wickremasinghe R. (2008). Genetic polymorphism in Pvmsp-3α and Pvcs genes in Plasmodium vivax infections in Sri Lanka. The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists.
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Hartl DL, Wirth DW. (2008). Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax isolates from Sri Lanka. Wellcome Trust Conference on Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Abstract.
- Manamperi A. , Mahawithanage S., Fernando D., Wickremasinghe R., Bandara A., Hapuarachchi C., Abeywickrame W., Wickremasinghe R. (2008). Genetic polymorphism in Pvmsp-3αand Pvcsgenes in Plasmodium vivax infections in Sri Lanka. The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists, Accepted for presentation. (Awarded First Prize for best research paper).
- Karunaweera ND, Ferreira MU, Barnwell JW, Munasinghe A, King C, Kawamoto F, Hartl D, Wirth DF (2008). Extensive genetic diversity in the human malaria parasite vivax. 57th Annual meeting, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 70(6):634. Abstract.
- Gunawardana S, Karunaweera ND, Ferreirra MU, Kapilananda GMG, Alfringes M, Rajakaruna RS, Konradsen F, Amerasinghe P, Schousboe M, Hartl DL, Wirth DF. (2010). Geographic Structure of vivax in Sri Lanka. 59th Annual meeting, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, GA. 83(5) (Suppl): Abstract 737.
- Karunaweera ND, Gunawardana S, Ferreirra MU, Alfringes M, Pollock R, Abeysinghe R, Galappaththi G, Kyaw MP, Hartl DL, Wirth DF. (2010). Genetic Diversity of vivax malaria parasites. Conference on Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria, Wellcome Trust Centre for Genomics, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Abstract no. T53.
- Pasloske BL, Handunnetti SM, van Schravendijk M‑R, Howard RJ. (1991). Characterization of a putative PfEMP1 genomic clone. III Annual Meeting of British Society of Parasitologists, February 14‑15, Edinburgh, UK.
- Handunnetti SM, van Schravendijk M‑R, Pasloske BL, Kapilananda GMG, Perera KLRL, Mendis KN, and Howard RJ. (1991). Characterization of a ~260 kD surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum ‑ infected erythrocytes. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 47:14.
- Handunnetti SM, Pathirana PPSL, Ekanayake K, Howard RJ, Mendis KN. (1992). In vitro rosetting and microagglutination properties of Plasmodium falciparum‑infected erythrocytes. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 48:1.
- Pathirana PPSL, Ekanayake K, Perera KLRL, Howard RJ, Mendis KN, Handunnetti SM. (1993). Adherence properties of Sri Lankan Plasmodium falciparumisolates to endothelial cell receptor CD36. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 49:16‑17.
- Wattevidanage J, Perera KLRL, David PH, Carter R, Ranford‑Cartwright L, Kapilananda GM, Pathirana PPSL, Handunnetti SM, Mendis KN, Premawansa WS. (1993). Genetic heterogeneity of Plasmodial genes in Sri Lankan isolates as detected by the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 49:20.
- Handunnetti SM, Pathirana PPSL, Howard RJ and Mendis KN. (1997). Adherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to ICAM-1: A marker of parasite virulence. Second Global Meet on Parasitic Diseases, August 18-22, Hyderabad, India.
- Handunnetti SM, David PH, Perera KLRL, and Mendis KN. (1987). A new cytoadherence property of falciparum type malaria parasites. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 43:26.
- Handunnetti SM, Hasler TH, van Schravendijk M‑R, Aguirar JC, Roth Jr EF, Kaul DK, Nagel RL, Howard RJ. (1990). Rosetting of Plasmodiumfalciparummalaria: Phenotypic diversity in wild isolates, receptor characterization and ex vivo micro‑ circulatory studies. Bull ICOPA VII, pp 128.
- Host genetics and host responses
Papers in peer review journals
- Pathirana S L, Alles H K, Perera M K, Bandara S, Phone-Kyaw M, Mendis K N and Handunnetti S M, (2005). ABO blood group types and protection against severe Plasmodium falciparumAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology99 (2): 119-124(6).
- LD Wanasekera and ND Karunaweera (2005). Parasite and host mediators associated with paroxysms in vivax malaria. Asian Parasitology, 6:183-189. Review article.
- Pathirana SL, Alles HK, Perera MK, Bandara S, Phone-Kyaw M, Mendis KN, Handunnetti SM, (2005). ABO blood group types and protection against severe Plasmodium falciparum Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 99 (2): 119-124(6).
- Jallow M, Teo YY, Small KS, Rockett KA, Deloukas P, Clark TG, Kivinen K, Bojang KA, Conway DJ, Pinder M, Sirugo G, Sisay-Joof F, Usen S, Auburn S, Bumpstead SJ, Campino S, Coffey A, Dunham, AE Fry, A Green, R Gwilliam, SE Hunt, M Inouye, AE Jeffreys, A Mendy, A Palotie, S Potter A, Ragoussis J, Rogers J, Rowlands K, Somaskantharajah E, Whittaker P, Widden C, Donnelly P, Howie B, Marchini J, Morris A, Sanjoaquin M, Achidi EA, Agbenyega T, Allen A, Amodu O, Corran P, Djimde A, Dolo A, Doumbo OK, Drakeley C, Dunstan S, Evans J, Farrar J, Fernando D, Hien TT, Horstmann RD, Ibrahim M, Karunaweera N, Kokwaro G, Koram KA, Lemnge M, Makani J, Marsh K, Michon P, Modiano D, Molyneux ME, Mueller I, Parker M, Peshu, CV Plowe, O Puijalon, J Reeder, H Reyburn, EM Riley, A Sakuntabhai, P Singhasivanon, Sirima NS, Tall A, Taylor TE, Thera M, Troye-Blomberg M, Williams TN, Wilson M, Kwiatkowski DP. Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium; Malaria Genomic Epidemiology Network, (2009). Genome-wide and fine-resolution association analysis of malaria in West Africa. Nature Genetics, 41: 657 – 665.
- Pathirana SL, Ekenayake K., Howard RJ, Mendis KN and Handunnetti SM (2010). Cytoadherence and its association with clinical disease in Plasmodium falciparum infections in Sri Lanka. J. Natn. Sci. Fopundation Sri Lanka, 38(4);233-240.
- Naotunne TdS, Karunaweera ND, Del Giudice G, Kularatne BDMU, Grau GE, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1991). Cytokines kill malaria parasites during infection crisis: extracellular complementary factors are essential. J Exp Med 173: 523-529.
- Karunaweera ND, Carter R, Grau GE Mendis KN, (1998). Demonstration of anti-disease immunity to Plasmodium vivax malaria in Sri Lanka using a quantitative method to assess clinical disease. Am J Trop Med Hyg 58: 204-210.
- Mackinnon MJ, Gunawardena DM, Rajakaruna J, Weerasinghe S, Mendis KN and Carter R, (2000). Quantifying genetic and nongenetic contributions to malarial infection in a Sri Lankan population. PNAS 97(23) :12661-12666.
- David PH, Handunnetti SM, Leech JH, Gamage CP and Mendis KN, (1988). Rosetting: a new cytoadherence property of malaria infected erythrocytes. Am J Trop Med Hyg 38: 289-297.
- Herath N, Kapila Nanda G, Carter R, Mackinnon M and Premawansa S (2002). Human TNF alpha and TNF beta alleles as heredity components associated with the fever of Plasmodium falciparumProceedings of the 58th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Perera C., Munasinghe RA, Pathirana SL, Perera MK, Ileperuma M, Nadaraja T, Kapilananda GMG, Handunnetti SM and Premawansa S. (2004). Cytoadherence and its inhibition of Plasmodium falciparumparasites from Sri Lankan patients to human endothelial receptors of CD36 and ICAM-1. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, November 2004, B-8.
- Dewasurendra R, Suriyaphol P, Fernando D, Sereejaitham P, Karunaweera N (2010). Genetic markers and risk of malaria infections: Genetic-epidemiology study in a low malaria endemic area of Sri Lanka. Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference, 9th-12th June 2010, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Abstract no. P53
- Dewasurendra R, Suriyaphol P, Fernando D, Sereejaitham P, Karunaweera N. (2010). Genetic markers and risk of malaria infections: Genetic-epidemiology study in a low malaria endemci area of Sri Lanka. 59th Annual meeting, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, GA. 83(5) (Suppl): Abstract 738.
- Dewasurendra R, Suriyaphol P, Fernando SD, Carter R, Karunaweera ND, MalariaGEN Consortium (2011). Association between interleukin – 13 gene polymorphisms and anti – malarial antibodies in a Sri Lankan population. Proceedings of the Annual Research Conference of the University of Colombo, p 239-249
- Handunnetti SM, van Schravendijk MR, Hasler TH, Barnwell JW, Greenwalt DE, and Howard RJ. (1991). Expression of CD36 on erythrocytes and its involvement as a R Rosetting receptor for Plasmodiumfalciparum‑infected erythrocytes. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 47:11.
- Pathirana PPSL, Ekanayake K, Weerasinghe S, Alles HK, Carter R, Mendis KN, Handunnetti SM. (1994). Enhancement of cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum‑infected erythrocytes to CD36 by malarial paroxysm plasma. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 50:24-25.
- Pathirana PPSL, Ekanayake K, Mendis KN and Handunnetti SM. (1996). Cytoadherence properties of falciparum-infected erythrocytes in relation to the severity of clinical disease and parasite density in uncomplicated malaria in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 52:pp26.
- Pathirana PPSL, Alles HK, Perera MK, Mendis KN and Handunnetti SM. (1997). Association between ABO blood groups and protection against severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparumSecond Global Meet on Parasitic Diseases, August 18-22, Hyderabad, India.
- Perera MK, Abeynayake SD, Phone-Kyaw M, Bandara S, Alles H, Fernando N, Wimalasena C, Pathirana SLP, Premawansa S, Mendis KN and Handunnetti SM (1998). Plasma cytokine levels in severe complicated Plasmodium falciparumProceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 54: 32.
- Herath NP, Perera MK, Kapilananda GMG, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S. (2000) Associations between TNF 1.2 and TNF 2.2 genotypes and plasma TNF levels in Plasmodium falciparum infected patients in relation to severity of disease. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56: 40.
- Handunnetti SM, Mendis KN, David PH. (1984) Plasmodiumfragillemalaria: Parasite induced modifications on the surface of infected erythrocytes in relation to cytoadherence, and their modulation by the spleen. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 40:9.
- Handunnetti SM, David PH, Gamage CP, and Mendis KN. (1986). Anti‑malarial immunity mediated by surafec antigens on Plasmodiumfragile‑infected erythrocytes. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 42:6.
- Handunnetti SM, and Howard RJ. (1989). Structural and functional alterations of the erythrocyte membrane in malaria. J Cell Biochem suppl 13B:216.
- Immunology
Papers in peer review journals
- Wijayalath WAWK, Cheesman S, Rajakaruna J, Handunnetti SM, Carter R, Pathirana P P S L, (2008). Evidence for strain-specific protective immunity against blood-stage parasites of Plasmodium cynomolgi in toque monkey. Parasite Immunology. 30: 630-636.
- Wijayalath W, Cheesman S, Rajakaruna J, Weerasinghe S, Kapilananda G, Gamage K, Perera K, Handunnetti S, Carter R and Pathirana S, (2010). Strain specific protective immunity induced by pre-erythrocytic infection of toque monkeys with Plasmodium cynomolgi. Malaria Journal, 9 (Suppl 2):P58 –S2.
- Mendis KN and Carter R, (1991). Transmission blocking immunity may provide clues that anti-malarial immunity is largely T-independent. In 40th forum in Immunology. Research in Immunology 142: 687-690.
- de Zoysa APK, Mendis C, Gamage-Mendis AC, Weerasinghe CS, Herath PRJ and Mendis KN, (1991). A mathematical model for vivaxmalaria transmission used to estimate the impact of transmission blocking immunity on malaria in an endemic area. Bull WHO 69: 725-734.
- Bate CAW, Taverne J, Karunaweera ND, Mendis KN, Kwiatkowski D and Playfair JHL, (1992). Serological relationship of TNF-inducing exoantigens of flaciparumand vivax. Infect Immun 60: 1241.
- Mendis KN, (1992). Contrasting clinical disease in vivax and falciparummalaria and the association of both with cytokines. Bulletin of the Institute Pasteur 90: 3-9.
- Gamage-Mendis AC, Rajakaruna DJP, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1992). Transmission blocking immunity to human Plasmodium vivaxmalaria in an endemic population in Kataragama, Sri Lanka. Parasite Immunol 14: 385-396.
- Mendis KN and Carter R, (1992). The role of cytokines in Plasmodium vivax. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro 87(Suppl.III): 51-55.
- Carter R, Schofield L and Mendis KN, (1992). HLA effects in malaria: Increased parasite-killing immunity or reduced immunopathology? Parasitol Today 8: 41-42.
- Mendis C, Del Giudice G, Gamage-Mendis AC, Tougne C, Pessi A, Weerasinghe CS, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1992). Anti-circumsporozoite protein antibodies measure age related exposure to malaria in Kataragama, Sri Lanka. Parasite Immunol 14: 75-86.
- Karunaweera ND, Carter R, Grau GE, Kwiatkowski D, Del Giudice G and Mendis KN, (1992). Tumour necrosis factor-dependent parasite-killing effects during paroxysms in non-immune Plasmodium vivax malaria patients. Clin Exp Immunol 88: 499-505.
- Naotunne TdS, Karunaweera ND, Mendis KN and Carter R, (1993). Cytokine-mediated inactivation of malarial gametocytes is dependent on the presence of white blood cells and involves reactive nitrogen intermediates. Immunol 78: 555-562.
- Perera MK, Carter R, Goonewardene R Mendis KN, (1994). Transient increase in circulating t/d T cells during Plasmodium vivaxmalarial paroxysms. J Exp Med 179: 311-315.
- Gunawardena DM, Carter R Mendis KN, (1994). Patterns of acquired anti-malarial immunity in Sri Lanka. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 89: 61-63.
- Premawansa S, Gamage-Mendis A, Perera KLRL, Begarnie S, Mendis KN Carter R, (1994). Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission-blocking immunity under conditions of low endemicity as in Sri Lanka. Parasite Immunol 16: 35-42.
- Mendis KN, David PH, Hommel M, Carter R and Miller LH, (1983). Immunity to malarial antigens on the surface of Plasmodium falciparuminfected erythrocytes. Am J Trop Med Hyg 32: 926-930
- Munasinghe YD, Mendis KN and Carter R, (1986). Anti-gamete antibodies block transmission of human vivax malaria to mosquitoes. Parasite Immunol 8: 231-238.
- Mendis KN, Munasinghe YD, De Silva YNY, Keragala I and Carter R, (1987). Malaria Transmission-blocking immunity induced by natural infections of Plasmodium vivaxin humans. Infect Immun 55: 369-372.
- Carter R, Kumar N, Quakyi IA, Good MF, Mendis KN, Graves PM and Miller LH, (1988). Immunity to sexual stages of malaria parasites. Progress in Allergy. Special edition, ed. 193-214.
- de Zoysa APK, Herath PRJ, Abhayawardana TA, Padmalal UKGK and Mendis KN, (1988). Modulation of human malaria transmission by anti-gamete transmission blocking immunity. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 82: 548-553.
- Peiris JSM, Premawansa S, Ranawaka MBR, Udagama PV, Munesinghe YD, Nanayakkara MV, Gamage CP, Carter R, David PH and Mendis KN, (1988). Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies both block and enhance transmission of human Plasmodium vivaxAm J Trop Med Hyg 39: 26-32.
- Ranawaka MB, Munesinghe YD, de Silva DMR, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1988). Boosting of transmission-blocking immunity during natural Plasmodium vivaxinfections in humans depends upon frequent reinfection. Infect Immun 56: 1820-1824.
- Mendis KN, David PH and Carter R, (1990). Human immune responses against sexual stages of malaria parasites: consideration for malaria vaccines. International Journal of Parasitology 20: 497-502.
- Del Giudice G, Lambert PH, Mendis KN and Tanner M, (1990). Antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum and vivaxsporozoites in areas with stable and unstable malaria. Bull WHO 68(suppl): 191-196.
- Mendis KN, Naotunne TdS, Karunaweera ND, Del Giudice G, Grau GE and Carter R, (1990). Anti-parasite effects of cytokines in malaria. Immunol Lett 25: 217-220.
- Udagama PV, Gamage-Mendis AC, David PH, Peiris JSM, Perera KLRL, Mendis KN and Carter R, (1990). Genetic complexity of Plasmodium vivax parasites in individual human infections analysed with monoclonal antibodies against variant epitopes on a single parasite protein, PV200. Am J Trop Med Hyg 42: 104-110.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Amaratunga C, Perera KLRL, Gunawardana B, Jayasinghe A, Rajakaruna J, Holm I, Longacre S, Mendis KN and handunnetti SM (2001). Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Wickramarachchi WTA, Ileperum RJ, Perera KLRL, Bandara S, Lokupitiya RS, Longacre S, Handunnetti SM and Udagama-Randeniya PV (2001). Pattern of IgG3 isotype responses to C-terminal regions of Plasmodium Merozoite Surface Protein I in endemic populations of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Weerasinghe S, Amaratunga C, Perera K, Gamage K, Gunawardana B, Rajakaruna J, Holm I, Longacre S and Handunnetti SM (2001). Immunogenecity of Merozoite Surface Protein-1 based malaria vaccine candidate antigen in combination with two novel adjuvants, MF39 and Montanide ISA 51. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Nadarajah T, Munasinghe RA, Ileperuma M, Kapila Nanda GMG, Handunnetti S and Premawansa S (2001). Human Class Specific Antibody Responses towards Agglutination and Cytoadherence Process of Plasmodium falciparumProceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Wickramarachchi WTA, Perera KLRL, Bandara S, Thomas A, Handunnetti SM and Udagama-Randeniya PV (2001). Antibody responses to a leading vaccine candidate PV66/AMA-1, induced by natural infections of Plasmodium vivax in humans. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Perera IC, Pathirana PPSL, Kapilananda GM, Munasinghe RA, Handunnetti SM and Premawansa S (2004). Inhibitory effects on parasite cytoadherence by sera from Plasmodium falciparum infected Sri Lankan patients. Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.2004, Page 28.
- Wijayalath WAWK, Cheesman S, Rajakaruna J, Gamage K, Perera K, Perera KLRL, Carter R, Handunnetti SM, Pathirana PPSL. (2006). Studies on strain-specific protective immunity in malaria using Plasmodium cynomolgi/ Macaca sinicaProceedings of the 3rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, November 2006, B1, page 24.
- Wijayalath WAWK, Cheesman S, Rajakaruna J, Weerasinghe S, Kapilananda GMG, Gamage K, Perera K, Handunnetti SM, Carter R and Pathirana PPSL (2009). “Strain-specific protective immunity to pre-erythrocytic stages of malaria parasite Plasmodium cynomolgi”. Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Scientific Sessions of the Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, July 2009, B1, page 17.
- Handunnetti SM, Hasler TH, and Howard RJ. (1991). Monoclonal antibodies against a red cell antigen reverse PlasmodiumfalciparumIII Annual Meeting of British Society of Parasitologists, February 14‑15, Edinburgh, UK.
- Transmission, epidemiology and socio demographics/ risk factors
Papers in peer review journals
- Fernando SD, Wickremasinghe R, Mahawithanage S, Wickremasinghe AR. Impact of childhood malaria in Sri Lanka, (2005). In: Malaria in Asia, Asian Parasitology, Series monograph Vol 6. Editors Shigeyuki Kano, Pilarita Tongol Rivera. pp 205-217.
- Wickremasinghe AR, Wickremasinghe R, Fernando SD, Galpaththy G, Mahawithanage STC, (2005). Social and economic burden of malaria in Sri Lanka. . In: Malaria in Asia, Asian Parasitology, Series monograph Vol 6. Editors Shigeyuki Kano, Pilarita Tongol Rivera191-204.
- Fernando D, de Silva D, Carter R, Mendis K, Wickremasinghe A, (2006). A Randomised Double Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial of the Impact of malaria prevention on the educational attainment of school children. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and hygiene. 74 (3): 386-393.
- Fernando SD, Abeyasinghe RR, Galappaththy GNL, Gunawardena N, Ranasinghe ACR, Rajapaksa LC, (2008). Community factors affecting long-lasting impregnated mosquito net use for malaria control in Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102 (11: 1081-1088).
- Fernando D, Abeyasinghe RR, Galappaththy GNL, Gunawardena N, Ranasinghe ACR, Rajapaksa LC, (2009). Sleeping arrangements under long lasting impregnated mosquito nets: differences during low and high malaria transmission seasons. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 103, 1204-1210.
- Fernando D, Abeyasinghe RR, Galappaththy GNL, Ranasinghe ACR, Rajapaksa LC, (2009). Absence of asymptomatic malaria infections in previously high endemic areas of Sri Lanka. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 81 (5): 763-767.
- Gamage-Mendis AC, Rajakaruna DJP, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1991). Infectious reservoir of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparummalaria in an endemic region of Sri Lanka. Am J Trop Med Hyg 45: 479-487.
- Gamage-Mendis AC, Carter R, Mendis C, de Zoysa APK, Herath PRJ and Mendis KN, (1991). Clustering of malaria infections within an endemic population: risk of malaria associated with the type of housing construction. Am J Trop Med Hyg 45: 77-85.
- Carter R, David P Mendis KN, (1993). Plasmodium vivax malaria in Sri Lanka: Transmission, disease and immunity. Parassitologia 35(Suppl): 17-18.
- Gunawardena DM, Muthuwatta LP, Weerasinghe CS, Rajakaruna DJP, Udaya Kumara W, Senanayaka T, Kotta PK, Wickremasinghe AR, Carter R Mendis KN, (1994). Spatial analysis of malaria risk in an endemic region of Sri Lanka. GIS for Health and the Environment. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 99-108.
- Gunawardena DM, Wickremasinghe AR, Muthuwatta L, Weerasinghe S, Rajakaruna J, Senanayaka T, Kotta PK, Attanayake N, Carter, R Mendis KN, (1998). Malaria risk factors in an endemic region of Sri Lanka, and the impact and cost implications of risk factor-based interventions. Am J Trop Med Hyg 58: 533-542
- Fernando SD, Paranavitane SR, Rajakaruna J, Weerasinghe S, De Silva D, and Wickremasinghe AR, (2000). The health and nutritional status of school children in tworural communities in Sri Lanka. Tropical Medicine and International Health 5(6): 450-452.
- Fonseka J and Mendis KN, (1987). A metropolitan hospital in a non-endemic area provides a sampling pool for epidemiological studies on vivax malaria in Sri Lanka. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 81: 360-364.
- Mendis C, Gamage-Mendis AC, de Zoysa APK, Abhayawardena TA, Carter R, Herath PRJ and Mendis KN, (1990). Characteristics of malaria transmission in Kataragama, Sri Lanka: a focus for immuno-epidemiological studies. Am J Trop Med Hyg 42: 298-308.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Fernando SD, de Silva D, Wickramasinghe AR (2001). An epidemiological study of malaria in childhood. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Mahawithanage STC, Wickramasinghe and Karuanweera ND (2001). Nutritional status in children with malaria. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Perera S, Perera S, Perlmann H, Wickramasinghe R (2001). Possible factors responsible for clinical disease in malaria from non-endemic regions. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Mahawithanage STC, Wickramasinghe AR and Karunaweera ND (2002). Association between nutritional status and malarial infection in children from a malaria endemic area of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 58th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science
- Kannathasan S, Srikrishnaraj KA, Surendran SN, Karunaweera ND (2008). Knowledge, attitude and practice towards malaria: a comparative study among public in high-risk and low-risk areas in Jaffna district. 15th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, 15(1):C4. Abstract.
- Dewasurendra RL, Fernando SD, Carter R, Karunaweera ND. A Sero-epidemilogical study in a previously highly malaria endemic area in Sri Lanka (2009). 5THMultilateral Initiatives of Malaria Pan-African Conference, Nairobi, Kenya. Abstract no. M16.
- Herath NP, Kapilananda GMG, Rajakaruna, J, Kodisinghe HM, Premawansa S, Handunnetti SM.(2000) The status of asymptomatic malarial infections in two malaria endemic regions of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56: 41.
- Disease
Papers in peer review journals
- Carter R and Mendis KN, (1991). Immune responses against sexual stages of Plasmodium vivaxduring human malarial infections in Sri Lanka. Parassitologia 33: 67-70.
- Karunaweera ND, Grau GE, Gamage CP, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1992). Dynamics of fever and serum levels of tumor necrosis factor are closely associated during clinical paroxysms in Plasmodium vivaxProc Natl Acad Sci, USA 89: 3200-3203.
- Mendis KN, Carter R, (1995). Clinical disease and pathogenesis in malaria. Parasitol Today 11: PTI 2 – PTI 16.
- Wijesekera SK, Carter R, Rathnayaka KLP Mendis KN, (1996). A malaria parasite toxin associated with Plasmodium vivax Clin Exp Immunol 104: 221-227.
- Carter R, Wijesekera SK, Karunaweera ND Mendis KN, (1997). Mediators and mechanisms associated with paroxysm in Plasmodium vivaxJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 49(Suppl.2): 35-41.
- Wattavidanage J, Carter R, Perera KLRL, Munasinghe A, Bandara S, McGuinness D, Wickremasinghe AR, Alles HK, Mendis KN Premawansa S, (1999). TNFa*2marks high risk of severe disease during Plasmodium falciparum malaria and other infections in Sri Lankans. Clin Exp Immunol 115: 350-355.
- De Silva DHG, Mendis KN, Premaratne UN, Jayatilleke SMD and Soyza PE, (1982). Congenital malaria due to Plasmodium vivax: a case report from Sri Lanka. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 75: 33-35.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Herath NP, Kapila Nanda GMG, Carter R, Perera MK, Handunnetti SM and Premawansa S (2001). Association between TNF-alfa, IL-10 and IL-6 plasma cytokine leels and TNF alpha and TNF beeta polymorphisms to in Plasmodium falciparum malaria with respect to disease severity. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Perera S, Perera S, Karunarathna W, Perlmann H and Wickramasinghe R (2001). Nitric Oxide a mediator of clinical disease in vivax Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Galhena G, Kapila Nanda GMG, Perera S, Wickramasinghe R and Premawansa S (2001). TNF alfa and Beeta allele polymorphisms and cytokine secretions in Plasmodium falciparuminfected malaria patients. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Dewasurendra RL, Wanasekera LD, Carter R, Karunaweera ND (2004). Study of mediators of vivax Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists, Annual Academic Sessions. Abstract no. OP-4.
- Gunasekara DCS, Pathirana PPSL, Perera IC, Munasinghe RA, Kapilananda GM, Premawansa S. (2005). Agglutination properties of Plasmodium falciparum parasites and their associations with cytoadherence and disease severity. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Academic Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. 2005, 33.
- Munasinghe V, Perera I, Pathirana, Wijayalath W, Munasinghe A, Gunasekara D and Premawansa S (2005). Cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparumSri Lankan parasite isolates to human endothelial receptors at two different temperatures. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Academic Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. 2005.
- Wijesekera SK, Karunaweera ND, Carter R, Mendis KN (2007). Killing of intra-erythrocytic malaria parasites during a vivaxmalaria paroxysm is dependent upon T cell activation and IL-2. Second International symposium of Infectious Diseases and Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya. Abstract.
- Dewasurendra RL, Fernando SD, Carter R, Karunaweera ND. (2009). A Sero-epidemilogical study in a previously highly malaria endemic area in Sri Lanka. 5TH Multilateral Initiatives of Malaria Pan-African Conference, Nairobi, Kenya. Abstract no. M16.
- Fernando D, Abeyasinghe RR. Galappaththy GNL. Rajapakse LC (2009). Asymptomatic malaria infection in previously high endemic areas of Sri Lanka” Proceedings of the 122nd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 2009.
- Lab methods
Papers in peer review journals
- Fernando SD, Karunaweera ND, Fernando WP, (2004). Evaluation of a Rapid whole blood Immunochromatographic assay for the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria. Ceylon Medical Journal. 49 (1) 7 -10.
- Fernando SD, Karunaweera ND, Fernando WP, Attanayake N, Wickremasinghe AR, (2004). Cost analysis of Rapid Whole Blood Immunochromatographic P.f/P.v Assay for the diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax malaria in a rural area of Sri Lanka. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 98(1) 5-13.
- Kodisinghe HM, Perera KLRL, Premawansa S, Naotunne TdeS, Wickremasinghe AR Mendis KN, (1997). The ParaSightTM-F dipstick test as a routine diagnostic tool for malaria in Sri Lanka. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 91: 398-402.
- Abeysekara T, Wickremasinghe AR, Gunawardena DM Mendis KN, (1997). Optimizing the malaria data recording system through a study of case detection and treatment in Sri Lanka. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2: 1057-1067.
- Seneviratne GDCN, Manamperi AAPS, Kapilananda GMG, Longacre S, Handunnetti SMand Udagama-Randeniya PV, (2000). A double antibody sandwich ELISA for the diagnosis of vivax malaria: a tool for further research. The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science43:11-17
- Ihalamulla RL and Mendis KN, (1987). Plasmodium vivax: isolation of mature asexual stages and gametocytes from infected human blood by colloidal silica (Percoll) gradient centrifugation. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 81: 25-28.
- Del Portillo HA, Gysin J, Mattei DM, Khouri E, Udagama PV, Mendis KN and David PH, (1988). Plasmodium vivax: Cloning and expression of a major blood-stage surface antigen. Exp Parasitol 67: 346-353.
- Pessi A, Michel M, Bianchi E, Mendis A, Tougne C, Verdini VS, Lambert PH, Carter R, Mendis KN and Del Giudice G, (1990). Use of synthetic peptides in the study of the antibody response to Plasmodium vivax Am J Trop Med Hyg 42: 17-23.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Premaratne SP, Karunaweera ND, Fernando S, Perera WSR, Rajapasha RPAS (2004). A neural network architecture for automated recognition of intracellular malaria parasites in stained blood films. Sri Lanka Medical Association, Annual Academic Sessions. Abstract no. OP-18. (Awarded the Wilson Peiris Prize).
- Pathirana PPSL, Walters L, Weerasinghe S, Longacre S, Sauerwein R, Handunnetti Sand Hermsen CC (2004). Development of Real Time Quantitative PCR (RTQ PCR) method for analysis of vaccine protection using Plasmodium cynomolgi malaria model. Proceedings of the Joint Academic Sessions, Faculties of Science and Medicine of the University of Colombo. 2004, Page 16.
- Mendis KN, Naotunna T, Handunnetti SM, and David PH. (1988). Use of the old world monkeys in malaria research. XIIthe International for Tropical Medicine and Malaria. Ed. Kager PA and Polderman AM, Experta Medica, Amsterdam, pp 119.
- Drug resistance and other drug related topics
Papers in peer review journals
- Karunaweera ND. Imported drug-resistant severe malaria. Ceylon Medical Journal, (2005) 50(3):101-103. Leading Article.
- Alles HK, de Silva D Mendis KN, (1995). Atypical presentations of malaria associated with chloroquine resistance. Cey Med J 40:
- Handunnetti SM, Jayasinghe S, Pathirana PPSL, Fernando R, Sheriff MHR Mendis KN, (1994). Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparuminfection in Sri Lanka. Cey Med J 39: 45-46.
- Handunnetti SM, Gunawardena DM, Pathirana PPSL, Ekanayake K, Weerasinghe CS Mendis KN, (1996). Features of recrudescent chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparuminfections confer a survival advantage on parasites and have implications for disease control. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 90: 563-567.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Handunnetti SM, Pathirana PPSL, Ekanayake K, MGM Kapilananda, Perera KLRL, Mendis KN. (1993). Drug resistance and clinical immunity in Plasmodium falciparummalaria infections among hospital admission in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 49:14.
- Handunnetti SM, Gunawardene DM, Pathirana PPSL and Mendis KN. (1996). Recrudescent chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparumparasites have a survival advantage. XIVth International Congress for tropical Medicine and Malaria, November 17-22, Nagasaki, Japan.
- Kapilananda GMG, Jayasinghe JKA, Gunawardana MBP, Ekanayaka K, Wickramaarachchi WTA, Handunnetti SM.(2000) .Susceptibility of vivaxinfections to chloroquine. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56: 13.
- Malaria vector
Papers in peer review journals
- Premasiri DA, Wickramasinghe AR, Premasiri DS, Karunaweera ND, (2005). Malarial vectors in an irrigated rice cultivation area in Southern Sri Lanka. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 99(2):106-114.
- Kusumawathie PH, Wickremasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyaratne MJ, Yapabandara AM, (2006). Anopheline breeding in river bed pools below major dams in Sri Lanka. Acta Tropica, 99(1):30-3
- Kannathasan S, Antonyrajan A, Srikrishnaraj KA, Karunaratne SHPP, Karunaweera ND, Surendran SN, (2008). Studies on prevalence of anopheline species and community perception of malaria in Jaffna district, Sri Lanka. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, 45:231–239.
- Mendis C, Herath PRJ, Rajakaruna DJP, Weerasingha CS, Gamage-Mendis AC, Mendis KN and de Zoysa APK, (1992). Method to estimate relative transmission efficiencies of Anophelesspecies (Diptera: Culicidae) in human malaria transmission. J Med Entomol 29: 188-196.
- Gamage-Mendis AC, Rajakaruna DJP, Weerasinghe CS, Mendis C, Carter R Mendis KN, (1993). Infectivity ofvivaxand falciparumto Anopheles tessellatus: relationship between oocyst and sporozoite development. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 87: 3-6.
- Snewin VA, Premawansa S, Kapilananda GMG, Ratnayaka KLP, Udagama PV, Mattei DM, Khouri E, Del Guidice G, Peiris JSM, Mendis KN David PH, (1995). Transmission blocking immunity in Plasmodium vivaxmalaria: Antibodies raised against a peptide block parasite development in the mosquito vector. J Exp Med 181: 357-362.
- Mendis KN, Ihalamulla RL, Peyton EL and Nanayakkara S, (1983). Biology and descriptions of the larva and pupa of Anopheles (Cellia)elegans James (1903). Mosquito Systematics 15: 318-324.
- Naotunne TdeS, Rathnayake KDL, Jayasinghe A, Carter R and Mendis KN, (1990). Plasmodium cynomolgi: Serum-mediated blocking and enchancement of infectivity to mosquitoes during infections in the natural host, Macaca sinica. Exp Parasitol 71: 305-313.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Kaluarachchi S, Perera L and Handunnetti SM (2001). Studies on entomological parameters in a typical malaria endemic area in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 57th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Kaluarachchi S, Perera KLR, Gunawardana DM and Handunnetti S (2002). Breeding characteristics of Anophelines in Kataragama: a typical malaria endemic area in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 58th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Kusumawathi PHD, Wickermasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyratne NJS (2004). Cost analysis of application of Poecilia reticulata(guppy) and temephos in anopheline mosquito control in riverbed pools below the major dams in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 60th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Abstract No. 10A.
- Kannathasan S, Antonyrajan A, Srikrishnaraj KA, Surendran SN, Karunaweera ND (2008). Prevalence and insecticicde resistance of members of the Anopheles subpictus species complex – the reported vector of malaria in Jaffna district. 15th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, 15(1):C1. Abstract.
- Kannathasan S, Srikrishnaraj KA, Surendran SN, Karunaweera ND (2008). Species prevalence of exophilic anopheline mosquitoes in Jaffna district. 15th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, 15(1):C2. Abstract.
- Other
Papers in peer review journals
- Goonewardene R, Daily J, Kaslow D, Sullivan TJ, Duffy P, Carter R, Mendis KN Wirth D, (1993). Transfection of the malaria parasite and expression of firefly luciferase. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA 90: 5234-5236.
- Mendis KN, (1995). Simian malaria models for research on human disease. Cey Med J Sci 38: 31-35.
- Alles HK, Mendis KN, Carter R, (1998). Malaria mortality rates in South Asia and in Africa: implications for malaria control. Parasitol Today 14: 369-375.
- Udagama PV, Atkinson C T, Peiris JSM, David PH, Mendis KN and Aikawa M, (1988). Immunoelectron microscopy of schuffner’s dots in Plasmodium vivax-infected human erythrocytes. Am J Pathol 131: 48-52
- Handunnetti SM, David PH, Perera KLRL and Mendis KN, (1989). Uninfected erythrocytes from `rosettes’ around falciparum infected erythrocytes. Am J Trop Med Hyg 40: 115-118.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Wijayalath WAWK, Rajakaruna J, Gamage K, Perera K, Perera KLRL, Ameratunga C, Sakihama N, Tanabe K, Cheesman S, Carter R, Handunnetti SM and Pathirana PPSL (2004). Are relapse infections of Plasmodium cynomolgi, clones of primary infections? Proceedings of the Joint Academic Sessions, Faculties of Science and Medicine of the University of Colombo. 2004, Page 23.
- Ihalamulla L, Fernando SD, Weerasena KH, Cross JH, Dissanaike AS, Fonseka C (2007). A further case of Parastrongylus(=Angiostrongylus) from the eye of a patient in Sri Lanka: a new strain of the parasite? The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists, 5 (1) 32-33.
- Kannathasan S, Antonyrajan A, Srikrishnaraj KA, Surendran SN, Karunaweera ND (2008). Malaria risk map for Jaffna district: a GIS approach. 15th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, 15(1):C5. Abstract.
- Kannathasan S, Srikrishnaraj KA, Surendran SN, Karunaweera ND (2008). Knowledge, attitude and practice towards malaria: a comparative study among public in high-risk and low-risk areas in Jaffna district. 15th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, 15(1):C4. Abstract.
- Alles HK, Jayasinghe S, De Silva D, Naotunne T, Handunnetti SM, Carter R, Sheriff R and Mendis KN (1995). The development of a scoring system to assess the severity and complications of malaria. 108th Academic Session of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. pp. 28.
- Vaccine Studies
Papers in peer review journals
- de Zoysa APK, Carter R Mendis KN, (1993). Mathematical simulations of transmission blocking vaccine strategies. Recombinant and synthetic vaccines. New Dellhi: Narosa Publishing House. 1.
- David PH, Del Portillo HA and Mendis KN, (1988). Plasmodium vivax malaria: parasite biology defines potential targets for vaccine development. Biology of the cell 64: 251-260.
Abstracts and Conference proceedings
- Manamperi A, Handunnetti SM, Puijalon O and Longacre S (2002). Genetic variation in the C-terminal merozoite surface protein 1 of Plasmodium: a leading malaria vaccine candidate. Proceedings of the 58th Annual session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Manamperi A, Longacre S, Holm I and Handunnetti S (2002). An immunogenic Hypervariable Region in vivax C-Terminal Merozoite Surface Protein-1, with implications for an MSP-1 Based Malaria Vaccine. “Vivax Malaria Research 2002 and beyond”, Feb3-8. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Amaratunga C, Perera L, Gunawardana B, Jayasinghe A, Rajakaruna J, Holm I, Mendis KN and Handunnetti SM (2002). Effect of prior natural exposure to malaria on vaccine impact”. “Vivax Malaria Research 2002 and beyond”, Feb3-8. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Handunnetti S (2002). Pre-clinical evaluation of MSP-1 based vaccine candidate antigen. Vivax Malaria Research 2002 and beyond”, Feb3-8. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Handunnetti S (2002). Review on “Recent Advances in malaria vaccination”. Inaugural Academic Sessions of the Allerty & Immunology Soc. Lanka. 15th November 2002.
- Handunnetti S (2002). Review on “Progress and Challenges Malaria Vaccines”. Symposium of Malaria, 22nd Annual Session of IOB, Sri Lanka. 27th Sep.2002.
- Amaratunga C, Perera L, Weerasinghe S, Holm I, Manamperi A, Mendis K and Longacre S (2002). Asexual blood stage malaria vaccines: Can they proect malaria-exposed individuals against disease?” 2nd Annual Scientific Sessions of Faculty of Medicine, Colombo. April 5-7, 2002.
- Handunnetti SM, Amaratunga C, Perera KLRL, Rajakaruna J, Weerasinghe S, Perera K, Gamage K, Holm I, Mendis KN and Longacre S (2003). Comparison of challenge systems for evaluation of protective efficacy of asexual blood stage malaria vaccine candidates. Proc. IOBSL 2003.
- Kusumawathi PHD, Wickremasinghe AR, Karunaweera ND, Wijeyratne MJS (2004). Anopheline species breeding in river bed pools below the major dams in Sri Lanka. Joint Academic Sessions-2004 Faculties of Science and Medicine, University of Colombo.
- Handunnetti SM, Weerasinghe S, Ameratunga C, Pathirana SL, Rajakaruna J, Perera KLRL, Gamage K, Perera K, Holm I, and Longacre S (2004). Immunogenecity and protective efficacy of two new vaccine formulations based on MSP1-P19 of Plasmodium cynomolgi. Proceedings of the Joint Academic Sessions, Faculties of Science and Medicine of the University of Colombo. 2004, Page 15.
- Pathirana PPSL, Walters L, Weerasinghe S, Longacre S, Sauerwein R, Handunnetti S and Hermsen CC (2004). Development of Real Time Quantitative PCR (RTQ PCR) method for analysis of vaccine protection using Plasmodium cynomolgi malaria model. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Sessions of Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka. 2004, B-3.
- Mendis KN, Perera KLRL, Handunnetti SM, Longacre S. (1997). The Macaque models of human malarias: Their use for evaluation of vaccines. Second Global Meet on Parasitic Diseases, August 18-22, Hyderabad, India.
- Amaratunga C, Weerasinghe S, Perera KLRL, Mendis K, Longacre S, Handunnetti SM (1999). Protection against heterologous Plasmodium cynomolgi infection in MSP1inv immunized toque monkeys. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 55:20.
- Longacre S, Holm I, Nato F, Peters S, Chitarra V, Bently G, Manane A, Perera L, Amaratunge C, Manamperi A, Weerasinghe S, Handunnetti S (2000). A ray of Ho pe for an effective vaccine against malaria, Proceedings of “1st Health Opinion Leadership Conference in Latin America” 21-23 March 2000; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Amarathunga C, Pannila S, Rajakaruna J ,Jayasinghe A, Weerasinghe S, Perera KLRL,*Mendis K, Handunnetti S M(2000). Sporozoite induced Plasmodium cynomolgi ceylonensismalarial infections in toque monkeys;a natural challenge system for evaluation of vaccine efficacy. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56: 17.
- Amarathunga C, Nandasiri K, Weerasinghe S, Mananperi A, Holm I, Longacre S, Handunnetti S M. (2000).Protection against malaria in toque monkeys immunized with cynomolgiMSP1inv in alum. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56: 16.
- Mananperi A, Holm I, Perera L, Handunnetti SM , Longacre S.(2000) .Hypervariability in a leading vivax malaria vaccine candidate, C-terminal merozoite surface protein 1. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56: 15.
- Amaratunga C, Nandasiri K, Weerasinghe S, Manamperi A, Holm I, Longacre S Handunnetti SM, (2000). Protection in toque monkeys immunized with merozoite surface protein-1 p19 in alum. New Challenges in Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Oxford 2000.
- Amaratunga C, Rajakaruna J, Gunawardene B, Pannila S, Jayasinghe A Handunnetti SM, (2000). Variation of infectivity of Plasmodium cynomolgi ceylonensis during the course of blood infections in its host Macaca sinica. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka.
- Handunnetti SM, Rajakaruna J, Pannila S, Gunawardena B, Weerasinghe S, Jayasinghe A, Perera KLRL, Amaratunga C Mendis KN, (2000.) A natural challenge system for evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates. New Challenges in Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Oxford 2000.
- Manamperi A, Holm I, Perera L, Handunnetti SM Longacre S,( 2000). Allelic variation in a leading Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine candidate, merozoite surface protein 1. New Challenges in Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Oxford 2000, Oxford 2000.
- Wickramarachchi WTA, Perera KLRL, Bandara S, Longacre S, Handunnetti SM Udagama-Randeniya PV, (2000). Immunoepidemiology of p19: a potential vaccine candidate based on Plasmodium vivax MSP-1. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. Page 37
- Wickramarachchi WTA, Perera KLRL, Bandara S, Longacre S, Handunnetti SM Udagama-Randeniya PV, (2000). Seroepidemiology of potential vaccine candidate p42 representing a c-terminal fragment of Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-1. Annual Sessions 2000 of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Colombo. Page. 35.
- Priyani Dharmawardena, Medical Officer, Anti Malaria Campaign, Sri Lanka. “An assessment of malaria surveillance in in-ward patients and therapeutic response to currently used anti-malarial drugs in the phase of prevention of reintroduction of malaria in Sri Lanka”.
Principle supervisor: Prof Deepika Fernando
- A.U.D. Ariyachandra,“A sero-epidemiological study to provide supportive evidence to establish malaria elimination in Sri Lanka”. Supervisors Prof. R. Wickremasinghe, Prof. P.V. Udagama.
Co-supervisor: Prof. Deepika Fernando
- A.U.D. Ariyachandra,“A sero-epidemiological study to provide supportive evidence to establish malaria elimination in Sri Lanka”. Supervisors Prof. R. Wickremasinghe, Prof. P.V. Udagama.
Co-supervisor: Prof. Deepika Fernando
Year | Name | Degree | Title of the Thesis | Supervisors | Present Position |
1986 | Shiroma Handunnetti | Ph.D | An Exploration into immunity in a natural malaria infection Plasmodium fragile in the toque monkey Macaca sinica | Prof. K.N. Mendis, Dr. P.H. David | Professor of Immunology, Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Colombo |
1987 | Yamuna Munasinghe | Ph.D | Transmission-blocking immunity to human Plasmodium vivax malaria | Prof. K.N. Mendis, Prof. Richard Carter | Former Senior Lecturer* Dept of Zoology Faculty of Science, University of Colombo (*at present –migrated to Australia) |
1988 | Sunil Premawansa | Ph.D | A study of transmission blocking immunity in Plasmidium vivax: an Immunological Investigation of gametes using monoclonal Antibodies | Prof. K.N. Mendis, Prof. Richard Carter, Dr. Sriyal M. Peiris | Professor Emeritus, Dept of Zoology and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo |
1989 | Preethi Udagama | Ph.D | Plasmodium vivax: Asexua erythrocytic stage Antigens | Prof. K.N. Mendis, Dr. J.S.M. Peiris, Dr. P.David | Cadre Chair, & Senior Professor, Head, Dept of Zoology and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo |
1990 | T. De S. Naotunne | Ph.D | A study of factors modulating Infectivity of sexual stage malaria parasites: Plasmodium cynomolgi ceylonensis in Macaca sinica | Prof. K.N. Mendis, Prof. Richard Carter | (Former)Head, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. |
1991 | Chandana Mendis | Ph.D | Entomological aspects of malaria transmission in Kataragama, Sri Lanka | Dr. P. Herath, Prof. K.N. Mendis | Entomologist Healthnet International Teshawar, Pakistan, |
1991 | Asoka Gamage-Mendis | Ph.D | Epidemiological Aspects of Malaria Transmission in Kataragama, Sri Lanka | Prof. K.N. Mendis | Post-doctoral fellow |
1993 | Renu Goonewardene | Ph.D | Cellular Immune responses to Plasmodium vivax malaria | Prof K N Mendis Prof Richard Carter | Professor, Dept of Parasitology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardanapura |
1993 | Nadira Karunaweera | Ph.D | An Investigation into Clinical Disease and Clinical Immunity of Plasmodium vivax Malaria | Prof. K N Mendis Prof. Richard Carter | Professor & Chair, Dept of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo |
1993 | Arjuna P K De Zoysa | Ph.D | Quantitative analysis of P.vivax malaria transmission with special emphasis on transmission blocking immunity | Prof. K N Mendis Dr. T D H K Fernando | Head, Division of Philosophy and Mathematical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka |
1995 | T Abhayawardene | M.Phil | Vector potential of Anophelines in Sri Lanka transmitting human malaria. | Prof. K N Mendis | Entomologist, Anti-Malaria Campaign, Sri Lanka |
1996 | Soma Rajamanthri | M.D. | Case detection and management mechanisms in malaria of adults in primary health care level institutions in an endemic area in Sri Lanka | Dr J E J de Fonseka Prof. K N Mendis | Epidemiologist, Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka |
1997 | Subadra Wijesekera | Ph.D | Investigation on cytokine mediated pathophysiology of malaria | Prof. K N Mendis Prof. Richard Carter | Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Kandy Regional Center, The Open University, Polgolla, Sri Lanka. |
1997 | Harsha K Alles | Ph.D | Studies on the patho-physiology of clinical malarial disease | Prof. K N Mendis Prof. Richard Carter Dr Rezvi Sheriff Dr S Jayasinghe | Former Senior Lecturer, Dept of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo |
1998 | Sisira Lal Pathirana | Ph.D. | Parasite properties associated with pathogenesis of severe falciparum malaria | Prof. S M Handunnetti Prof K N Mendis | Senior Lecturer, IMMBM,Faculty of Science, University of Colombo |
1998 | D M Gunawardena | Ph.D | Study of clinical immunity to malaria | Prof. K N Mendis Dr Richard Carter | Regional Malaria, Officer Anti Malaria Campaign, Badulla, Sri Lanka |
1998 | Lal Mutuwatta | M.Phil. | Heterogeneity of malaria transmission through mathematical simulation | Dr A P K de Zoysa Prof. K N Mendis | GIS Analyst International Irrigation, Management Institute, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka |
1999 | Jayantha Perera | Ph.D | Study on genetic polymorphism in P.falciparum and P.vivax and the host genetic polymorphisms associated with malaria pathogenesis | Prof. S Premawansa Prof KN Mendis | Lecturer, Department of Zoology, The Open University of Sri Lanka |
1999 | H M Kodisinghe | Ph.D | An investigation into the parasite reservoir of malaria in an endemic region of Sri Lanka including the study of asymptomatic infections | Prof KN Mendis Dr T De S Naotunne Prof. Richard Carter | Deputy Director, Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Colombo, Sri Lanka |
1999 | Zeeniya Nizam | M.Phil | An immunological study of P.cynomolgi in its natural host, the Toque monkey Macaca sinica sinica the antigenic composition of asexual blood stages of primary and relapse infections. | Prof KN Mendis Prof. R Carter Prof. SM Handunnetti | Lecturer, Department of Zoology The Open University of Sri Lanka |
2001 | Deepika Fernando | Ph.D | The impact of malaria on the cognitive performance and physical development of school children in a malaria endemic area of Sri Lanka | Prof. A R Wickremasinghe Dr Dhamani Silva | Professor, Dept of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka |
2002 | M R S S Bandara | Ph.D | Trial of Permethrin Treated Nets in Malaria Control in Southern Sri Lanka | Prof.KN Mendis Prof. R Carter Prof. AR Wickremasinghe | Regional Malaria Officer Anti-Malaria Campaign Kurunegala, Sri Lanka |
2003 | Aresha Manamperi | Ph.D | Preliminary Preparation Towards MSP-1 Based Malaria Vaccine Trials | Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti Dr. Shirley Longacre | Senior Lecturer Nuclear Medicine Unit Dept of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya |
2003 | Athula Herath | Ph.D | Sociological risk factors and potential human behavioural changes influencing malaria risk | Prof.K N Mendis Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti Prof. Amarasiri | UK |
2003 | Kanthi Perera | M.Phil | Investigation on the mechanisms which confer susceptibility to severe and complicated P.falciparum malaria | Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti | |
2003 | Shyamalee Perera | Ph.D | Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and cytokine profile in severe and uncomplicated malaria patients in Sri Lanka | Prof. Renu Wickramasinghe Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti | Teacher Staff Lyceum International School |
2004 | Chanaki Amaratunga | Ph.D | Exploration into Merozoite Surface Protein-1 Vaccination in a natural simian host parasite System. Protective Efficacy, Selection of Alternative Adjuvants and In vitro Correlates of Protection | Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti Prof. Renu Wickramasinghe | USA |
2005 | Nimali Herath | Ph.D | Human host genetic factors and their association with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and other infectious disease pathogenesis | Prof. Sunil Premawansa Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti | Australia |
2005 | Asoka Premasiri | Ph.D | Socio-economic, behvioural and environmental aspects of malaria transmission in an endemic area of Sri Lanka | Dr A R Wickramasinthe Prof. N D Karunaweera | Regional Malaria Officer, Puttalam |
2005 | Thilan Wickramarachchi | Ph.D | Development of in vivo correlates of protective immunity to asexual Blood stages of P.vivax malaria | Dr P V Udagama Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti | Microtech Pvt Ltd |
2006 | Deepani Wanasekera | Ph.D | Investigation of the role of white Blood, soluble mediators of host origin and parasite factors that mediate clinical disease and immunity in P.vivax malaria infections | Prof. N D Karunaweera Dr. Anura Weerasinghe Prof. Richard Carter | Former Dean, Faculty of Science, Horizon Campus |
2007 | Sanath Mahawithanage | Ph.D | Study of the relationship between Nutritional status and malaria infections | Prof. A R Wickramasinghe Prof. N D Karunaweera | Nutritionist, Fonterra Gp |
2006 | PHD Kusumawathie | Ph.D | Prof.Nadira Karunaweera | Regional Malaria Officer, Kandy | |
2009 | Myat Phone-Kyaw | Ph D | A study on pathophysiological aspects of P.falcuparum malaria | Prof. ND Karunaweera | Myanmar |
2007 | Anjani Munasinghe | Ph.D | Studies on var gene expression by Plasmodium falciparum isolates from patients in Sri Lanka in Relation to disease severity and their association with cytoadherent phenotypes | Prof. Sunil Premawansa Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti | UK |
2010 | W A W K Wijayalath | Ph.D | Studies on relapses and strain-specific protective immunity to Plasmodium cynomolgi infection in toque monkey (Macaca sinica) | Dr Sisira Pathirana Prof. Shiroma Handunnetti | Post doctoral training in USA |
Joana Lima | MSc | MSc Global Health Science “ The role of private practitioners in strengthening malaria surveillance in Sri Lanka” | Prof. Deepika Fernando | Department of Public Health, University of Oxford | |
2011 | Katherine Kirby | MSc | Completed the MSc in Global Health Sciences with a dissertation title “Assessment of awareness levels on malaria in a selected community strata in the Manner district” | Prof. Deepika Fernando | Department of Public Health, University of Oxford |
2011 | Isabelle Ackers | MSc | Completed the MSc in Global Health Science. Dissertation title “The role of the private sector in the malaria elimination programme in the Mannar district: a descriptive study” | Prof. Deepika Fernando | Department of Public Health, University of Oxford |
2012 | Radhika Wickremasinghe | MSc | MSc in Global Health Science. Dissertation title “Quality assurance of microscopic diagnosis of Malaria by the private sector in post-conflict districts of Sri Lanka: feasibility and implementation” | Prof. Deepika Fernando | Department of Public Health, University of Oxford |
2014 | Caroline Whidden | MSc | Completed the MSc in Global Health Science. Dissertation title “An investigation into the utilization and maintenance of Long Lasting Impregnated Bed Nets (LLINs) and the predictive factors of both, distributed to the Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka” | Prof. Deepika Fernando | Department of Public Health, University of Oxford |
Samafilan Ainan | MSc | Completed the MSc in Global Health Science. Dissertation title “Current surveillance practices in hospitals to assess the potential for missed malaria cases in a previous high endemic region of Sri Lanka” | Prof. Deepika Fernando | Department of Public Health, University of Oxford | |
2020 | R. Dewasurendra | Ph.D | Studies on relapses and strain-specific protective immunity to Plasmodium cynomolgi infection in toque Defining host responses and parasite genetics in the context of malaria elimination in Sri Lanka | Prof. N. Karunaweera Prof. S. Gunawardena | Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo |