You can reach out to your student mentor or batch counsellor who will advice you on this.
You can speak to your student mentor to obtain help on how to improve the way you study. There are some useful techniques for medical students in the links given below.
There is so much to study and remember at university! There are proven ways to study smarter as well as ways to improve your memory. Here are some such ways:
Want to study smart? (English)
The best technique to study well (English)
A most powerful way to improve memory (Sinhala)
Study smarter, not harder (Sinhala)
A lot of medical students face failure and setbacks in their studies. You can obtain help from your student mentor or student counsellor and talk things through.
Learn more about how students bounce back from failure and go on to face challenges by accessing the resources given below.
Of course you’ve messed up!
Life after failure
We all face hard times personally and as societies at different times. Building resilience and objectivity will help in facing these challenges.
Your student mentor and/or student counsellor will be able to advice you and give you some tips to cope.s.
Learn more about how to navigate through challenges and build resilience by accessing the resources given below:
Resilience in hard times
Stoic philosophy for adversity
Do you sometimes delay getting things done? Do you procrastinate? Would you like to be more motivated so that you can be more successful in all areas of life? Here are some ways to overcome delaying and to be more motivated:
Six ways to stop procrastinating (English)
Low motivation? Feeling stuck? (English)
Six ways towards being more motivated (Sinhala)
How to overcome delaying things (Sinhala)
Many of us have negative ways of thinking that is so unhelpful to us. Its robs our joy and makes us less productive. It could make you perform below your full potential too. Here are several scientific ways to change your negative thoughts and have more fulfilling thoughts instead:
Proven ways to change negative ways of thinking (Sinhala)
If we had experienced many/significant challenges in our life, we may often feel helpless. Feeling helpless does not make us feel good. In fact, it robs us from living our best possible life. But you can overcome this feeling of helplessness. Here’s how:
Learned helplessness (Sinhala)
Do you feel shy when interacting with others? Have you felt that you are somewhat timid and that it prevents you from reaching your goals or making new friends? Here are some ways to be more confident:
Ways to boost your self-confidence (English)
Self-confidence (Sinhala)
Anger is a human emotion that we all feel. But unmanaged anger can hurt you and others around you. If you handle anger with wisdom you can go on to have a happier, healthier and more productive life.
You can reach out to your student mentor or your student counsellor who will advice you on methods and techniques of anger management.
Learn more about how students go on to manage their anger successfully by accessing the resources given below:
How not to be angry all the time
Why are we so easily triggered
How to deal with anger- Sadguru
Sleeping too much, too little or irregular sleep can affect your studies, memory and your personal life.
You can learn more about sleeping healthfully by accessing the resources given below:
Having trouble sleeping?
The science of sleep
Mayo Clinic :Tips for better sleep
Breaking up or losing someone we love is a part of adult life. It is possible to feel happy again and be stronger and better. You can reach out to your student counsellor for advice on how to cope.
Learn more about how students go forward and build their life after a breakup by accessing the resources given below:
How to cope when you’ve been left
Fear of ending a relationship
How to fix a broken heart
We have many relationships in our lives – within our family, with our relatives, friends, teachers, community etc. It would be lovely if these relationships fulfilled us. But unfortunately, some of our relationships might be bringing us a lot of sadness and distress. Let’s learn distressing vs meaningful relationships:
Are your relationships meaningful or toxic? (English)
Have you heard of narcissism? (Sinhala)
Do people in your life lie and manipulate you? (Sinhala)
Do you feel judged by others? (Sinhala)
You can find out some information regarding sexual health from the resources given below:
How effective is the pull out method?
Sexual health for young women
How effective is the pull out method?