Check out your mood using the mood meter below.
We all seek happiness, don’t we? In fact, by deciding to study medicine or physiotherapy (whatever reason that may have led you to choose this degree), you think it would bring you more happiness. But, are you actually happy? – in your studies, in your relationships etc? Let’s see if you truly ARE happy, by browsing through these clips:
Ways to be happier (English)
Are you a seeker of happiness? (Sinhala)
You could be happier if you change the way you think (Sinhala)
Too much work? Not much happiness? (Sinhala)
Being kind to others increases your happiness (Sinhala)
The type of friends you have may increase or decrease your happiness (Sinhala)
Mental well being is a component of overall well being.
Mental health is the foundation for emotions, thinking, communication, learning, resilience, hope and self esteem. It is also key to your well being and your relationships.
Mental wellbeing consists of a person’s level of emotional intelligence, happiness, self compassion, authenticity, psychological resilience and envy
You can find separate questionnaires below for each one of these to identify your level of mental well-being:
Mental ill health can be due to changes in emotion, thinking or behaviour or a combination of these. This can result in distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities.
Having mental ill health is nothing to be ashamed of. Mental health conditions are treatable and improvement is possible. There are many forms of therapy to help people successfully manage mental health conditions.
The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 Items (DASS-21) is a set of three self-report scales designed to measure the emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress.
Click below to access the questionnaire: