Foreign Students Admissions
Foreign Students Admissions

Greetings and warm regards to the distinguished members of the faculty responsible for the admission of foreign students. We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

Within the enchanting backdrop of Sri Lanka, the realm of higher education unfolds under the captivating framework established by the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, a true testament to the nation’s commitment to academic excellence. As we embark on a journey to invite exceptional talents from across the globe, we wish to share with you the enchanting story of our admission process.

In this picturesque landscape, the task of selecting the brightest minds for our undergraduate courses rests with the venerable University Grants Commission (UGC), an entity entrusted with this noble responsibility under the aforementioned Act. It is with unwavering dedication that the UGC, in harmonious collaboration with our esteemed Universities, Campuses, and Institutes, orchestrates this grand overture of knowledge and opportunity.

As you may already know, Sri Lanka proudly boasts a diverse bouquet of educational institutions. There are sixteen (16) National Universities, two (2) Campuses, and four (04) Institutes, all of which stand as beacons of higher learning, cultivated under the nurturing provisions of the Universities Act. These esteemed establishments are at the heart of our mission to create a vibrant and diverse academic community, and we are excited to extend an invitation to the world’s future leaders and innovators.

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt invitation to you, the stewards of academic excellence, to join us on this captivating journey of discovery and growth. Sri Lanka’s educational tapestry is rich and vibrant, and we are eager to welcome foreign students who will add their unique colors to this captivating mosaic.

  • University of Colombo
  • University of Peradeniya
  • University of Sri Jayewardenepura
  • University of Kelaniya
  • University of Moratuwa
  • University of Jaffna
  • University of Ruhuna
  • Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  • Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
  • Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
  • Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
  • Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
  • University of the Visual & Performing Arts
  • The Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka
  • University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka
  • Sripalee Campus, University of Colombo
  • Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo
  • University of Colombo School of Computing
  • Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts, University of Jaffna
  1. Candidates with results at a foreign examination held outside Sri Lanka, deemed equivalent to G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka with a minimum of two Cs and an S in the subject of Biology, Chemistry and Physics are eligible to apply for admission to Universities in Sri Lanka.
    • The original letter obtained from the Examinations Board concerned, must be attached to the application to prove that their educational qualifications are equivalent as mentioned above or that their educational qualifications are considered for admission to a university in their own country for pursuing an undergraduate course leading to a Bachelor’s Degree.
    • All required passes must be obtained in one & the same sitting under a recognized Board of Examinations subject to the rules set out by the Education Authority of the country concerned.
    • The certified copies of the educational certificate AND the statement of results of their qualifying examination must be attached to the application. The copies should be certified by the relevant Examinations Board which conducted the examination concerned. (NOT by the other institutions such as school and embassy)
  2. The eligible candidates for admission under this special provision are:
    • Candidates with Foreign passports
    • Candidates with Sri Lankan passports
    1. Sri Lankan candidates should have studied abroad for a period of not less than three academic years immediately prior to sitting the qualifying examination.(N.B.: Applicants must provide the following documents and Refer Section 10.2 for more information).
      • Certified copies of the candidate’s Passports(with Visa)covering the period studied abroad.
      • Documentary evidence issued by a relevant authority of the foreign country confirming the candidate’s resided/ residing period there.
      • Originals of the Foreign & Sri Lankan(if any)School Leaving Certificates of the candidate.
      • Certified copy of the candidate’s birth certificate.
    2. Father/Mother/Guardian(only if parents expired)of the Sri Lankan candidates should also have worked in the same country in which the candidate has studied, during his/her period studied abroad.(N.B.: Applicants must provide the following documents and Refer Section 10.2 for more information)
      • Originals of the Service Certificate/s of the Father/Mother/Guardian.
      • Documentary evidence issued by a relevant authority of the foreign country confirming the parents’/ guardian’s resided / residing period there.
      • Certified copies of parents’/guardians’ Passports (with Visa)covering the period worked abroad.
      • Documentary evidences to prove that the Guardian has been legally appointed.
    3. Children of Sri Lankan diplomatic personnel attached to Sri Lankan diplomatic missions abroad or on foreign assignments sponsored by the Government of Sri Lanka, should have studied abroad at least for a period of three academic years in the six year period immediately prior to sitting the qualifying examination, along with their parents who are Sri Lankan diplomats. Sri Lankan diplomatic personnel are referred to as the Sri Lankan Foreign Service officers, officers from certain other Services and Ministries/Agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Public Administration, Department of Labour and the Sri Lankan Bureau of Foreign Employment who have been appointed to serve in Sri Lankan Missions abroad for limited periods, the officers from other Services and Ministries / Departments attached to Missions abroad whose overseas assignments are not routine and serve only limited periods abroad, the appointments to Missions abroad made on the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers as approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Note: However, the children of Sri Lankan diplomatic personnel who have satisfied the requirements for admission at a foreign examination equivalent to G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka held locally too will be considered, if;
      • They have sat the said examination locally within a period of 06 months from the date of their returning to Sri Lanka after completion of a continuous period of not less than 2 1/2 years of studies abroad immediately prior to sitting the qualifying examination. provided that;
      • Their parents have returned to Sri Lanka on completion of the assignment having served at least for a period of 03 years immediately prior to their child sitting the said examination locally. (N.B:Applicants must provide documentary proof.)
    4. Candidates with foreign passports must also provide the originals of their School Leaving Certificates.
  1. Documents in proof of the requirements above.
  2. Duly certified copy of the certificate in proof of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), if the considered educational qualification of a candidate is a High School Diploma.
  3. Duly certified copy of the certificate of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS), if a candidate studied in a language other than English.
  4. Documentary evidences in proof of funds in relevant foreign currencies [Candidate must submit original letters issued by the banks stating the bank balances of the Father/ Mother/ Guardian in relevant foreign currencies (currency of the relevant country they have/are worked/working) as documentary evidences in proof of the availability of sufficient funds]. [Not relevant for children of Sri Lankan diplomats (Category a)].
  5. Legally valid affidavit, if there is a difference in the names of the candidate mentioned in the educational certificate, statement of results, school leaving certificates, birth certificate, passport and any other submitting documents.

English is the medium of instructions for most of the degree programmes as indicated in Annexure III. Accordingly, an applicant whose primary language is not English or whose previous education has been conducted in another language, must demonstrate a command of English sufficient to meet the demands of classroom instructions, written assignments and participation in tutorials and discussions. Note: See the Check List given in Section 10.2 for a complete list of documents to be submitted along with the applications. Therefore, applicants whose primary language is not English or whose previous education has not been in English must provide evidence of proficiency in English i.e. achieve a minimum score of 79 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or achieve a minimum score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) etc.

The universities in Sri Lanka follow the semester system and there are two semesters per year. The date of commencement of the first term/semester of a particular academic year may vary from one university to another or from one Faculty of a university to another.

Application forms are available on the UGC website or the Handbook published by the UGC.

All the applications should be forwarded to
Deputy Secretary/ University Admissions, University Grants Commission, No 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka, by registered post. No applications will be entertained after the deadline. Importantly, a scanned copy of the application (in PDF format) including all its attachments should also be forwarded to in parallel to posting the hard copy of the application, on or before the closing date.

Failure to send the scanned copy may cause delays in processing your application.

  1. Children of Sri Lankan diplomats seeking admission to universities in Sri Lanka should forward their applications through the Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic Building, Sir Baron
    Jayathilake Mawatha, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka.
  2. The UGC charges a fee of US $ 100 for processing the applications. Therefore, every applicant should attach a copy of the payment receipt transferring an amount equivalent to US $ 100 to the University Grants Commission telegraphically (swift), being the application processing fee. (Bank drafts are also accepted)
    Name of the Bank: Bank of Ceylon
    Branch: Torrington Branch
    Account Number: 2323287
    Swift code: BCEYLKLX
    Applications which do not accompany the application processing fee will not be considered for admission. Please note that this processing fee is not refundable.
  3. All applications that satisfy the criteria for university admission in Sri Lanka will be forwarded to respective universities/faculties.All such applications will then be scrutinized by the Admissions Committees of the respective universities/faculties & make recommendations to the UGC with regard to admission of the applicants. Then the UGC will communicate with the applicants regarding the final offer.
  4. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that his/her application is accompanied by all relevant supporting documents.All documents must be duly certified by the relevant authorities.Failure to submit the relevant documents and certificates along with the application may result in rejection of the application for university admission under this special provision.


Tele: +9411-2695301/02, +9411-2123415
Fax: +9411-2691678
  1. The number of places reserved for this category of students are very limited and at present it is up to 0.5 % of the total number of places available in each course of study. Selections of candidates with foreign qualifications are based on the following order of priority;
    • Children of Sri Lankan diplomatic personnel who are/have been stationed in other countries.
    • Children of foreign diplomatic personnel working in Sri Lanka.
    • Applicants from SAARC countries who seek admission.
    • Sri Lankan applicants not covered under (a) above.
    • Other foreign applicants not covered under (b) or (c) above.
      All selected candidates will be admitted on fee levying basis except for the candidates selected under Category (a) above
  2. Up to 4.5 % of the places over and above the proposed intake in each course of study will be allocated to students who satisfy the criteria for admission under this provision. All candidates under this category will be admitted on fee levying basis.
    Selected candidates who wish to accept the offer should make arrangements to get themselves registered at the universities to which they will be assigned in consultation with the Registrar of the relevant university.
    All prospective foreign students should be noted that the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka will not convert a tourist visa to student visa. Therefore, no person who wishes to gain admission to a university should enter the country on a tourist visa and they should make arrangements to obtain visas in advance.