Department of Allied Health Sciences – International Collaboration

CAPAGE Project co-funded by ERASMUS+ 2024

Project Ref: Project 101127234 — CAPAGE — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE

This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission for Promoting academic and professional excellence in healthcare to meet the challenges of aging in Sri Lanka.

La Trobe University, Melbourne Victoria, Australia

Provide scholarship annually for a student in the first year of the course of  B.Sc. Physiotherapy in Allied Health Sciences Unit to spend a semester in the La Trobe University.

Student who obtained the scholarship

  1. D.V.W Walatara    (2006 AL batch)
  2. M.Q.T Wijesinghe (2007 AL batch)
  3. I.P Munugoda        (2008 AL batch)

Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar, Panjab, India

  • Provide resource persons (PhD holders in Physiotherapy) as the chief examiner for the final clinical examination
  • Capacity building for academic staff of Allied Health Sciences Unit
  • Research collaboration

Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom

  • Annually holds a work shop on Sports Science and Exercise Physiology collaborated with University of Colombo
  • Assistance in establishment of a exercise physiology laboratory(donated two cycle ergo meters)
  • Research collaboration