Clinical workshop for final year students of 2017 A/L batch, which was conducted by ColPAA, is successfully completed on 25th and 26th March, 2023. Mr. M.R.M Wesmy (Senior Physiotherapist at Lanka Hospital), Ms. Ishari Anuruddhika (Physiotherapist at Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children), Ms. Taniya Wijesinghe (Manager Physiotherapy at Durdens Hospital), Mr. Suresh Chathurantha (Chief Physiotherapist at Central Chest Clinic) and Mr. Chathuranga Jayalath Perera (Chief Physiotherapist at Department of Respiratory Care, Kings Hospital) shared their clinical knowledge in Neurological, Pediatric, Musculoskeletal and Respiratory physiotherapy with students.
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The joint workshop organized by Allied Health Sciences Unit (AHSU) and Department of Surgery on ‘Foot Related Pathology and Podiatry’ held from 12th -15th December 2015 at Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo ended successfully. This was a follow up of the first workshop held in 2014 by the AHSU. The workshop was attended by the students, post graduate trainees, surgeons, doctors and physiotherapists.
The resource persons were Mr. Nick Flore, Mr. David Evers (Podiatrists from Netherlands), Prof Mandika Wijeyarathne, Dr Rezni Cassim, Dr. Chathuranga Ranasinghe, Dr. Thusitha Kahaduwa and Dr Amila Weerasekera from Faculty of Medicine Colombo.
As an outcome of the program,
- Establishment of a podiatry service provision center was initiated jointly by both departments collaborated with the podiatrists from Netherlands.
- Text books, equipment and material generated from the workshop was donated for development of Podiatry in Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo.
A workshop on Podiatry was organized by the Allied Health Sciences Unit(AHSU), Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo on the 05th of February 2014 and was held at the Main Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine. It was conducted by Mr. Nick Flore a podiatrist from Dutch Sports Academy (BAC) and Rotterdam Academy for Physiotherapy (BAC) from Netherlands. The target groups were the lecturers and students of AHSU, lecturers from other universities, doctors and physiotherapists.
Podiatry is the study of diagnosis and management of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity and is practiced as a specialty in many countries; although it is almost a new field for Sri Lanka. The workshop was able to introduce new concepts of podiatry with and enhance the existing knowledge among the participants. The Allied Health Sciences Unit intends to improve this collaboration in the future to open up new avenues to gain knowledge and skills in this specialty.