UCFM Center for Family Medicine
Department of Family Medicine provides first contact care to the community by maintaining the UCFM Center for Family Medicine and free clinics and exposing the undergraduates to the basics of primary care at a community Family Practice Clinic. Health camps have also been conducted for the community which included screening for NCDs, screening for eye problems, providing health education and managing common health problems in the community.
Address: UCFM Tower, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, No.952, Maradana Road, Colombo 08.
Phone: 0112 629 702
Open Hours: every weekday, 8.30am-12noon
The Department is also involved in carrying out primary care research and presented research communications in local and international scientific conferences. Research interests are wide, including chronic diseases, osteoporosis, care of the elderly, patient safety and medical education. We have collaborated on research projects within as well as outside the University and also been part of International Research Projects. We have also been resource persons and contributed to numerous scientific forums, authored chapters and books, and contributed to newspaper articles.