PSYCH-01 |
- Rehabilitation psychiatry
- Occupational therapy
- Psychiatric social work
- Understand the cultural and social aspects related to rehabilitation of persons with major mental illnesses in a South Asian country.
- Assess the needs and develop a rehabilitation program for individuals with disability due to mental illness.
- Appreciate the multidisciplinary team input in psychosocial rehabilitation of a person with disability.
- Observation and discussion of assessment and rehabilitation planning in individual patients with disability with multidisciplinary team.
- Once-a-week day programme for persons with psychosocial disability.
- Home visit to see a patient for assessment or therapy.
- Attend meeting of the rehabilitation team.
- Journal club on a related journal article.
PSYCH-02 |
- Behaviour therapy
- Cognitive behaviour therapy
- Grief counselling
- Supportive psychotherapy
- Sex therapy
- Basic communication skills
- Breaking bad news in clinical settings
- Therapies for medically unexplained symptoms
- Motivational interviewing
- Improve communication skills.
- Understand basic theoretical knowledge of various psychotherapies.
- Achieve skills in breaking bad news.
- Once-a-week psychotherapy group.
- Role plays with simulated patients.
- Observation of selected instances of actual therapy.
- Journal club on a related journal article.
PSYCH-03 |
Adult psychiatry
- Admission process
- Multidisciplinary ward rounds
- Management of acute behaviour disturbance
- Making discharge plans
- Management of medically compromised patients
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Achieve basic knowledge and skills in psychiatry needed to function effectively as a clinician.
- Identify systems involved in providing care for mentally ill patients.
- Understand and apply principles of managing an acutely disturbed patient in resource poor settings including prevention of aggression.
- Observation of assessment and management of persons presenting with different psychiatric illnesses in outpatient and inpatient setting
- Observation of various procedures like ECT.
- Journal club on a related journal article.
- Participation in ward rounds.
PSYCH-04 |
Community Psych
- Mental health promotion related to substance use and suicide prevention
- Outreach community based mental health clinics
- Home visits for assessment or treatment
- Understand basic principles in provision of community based health promotion activities including innovative approaches in substance use and suicide prevention.
- Understand principles of implementing and sustaining community based psychiatric care in resource-poor settings.
- Weekly outreach clinics in the community.
- Home visit to see a patient for assessment or treatment.
- Participation in health education activities: Formal (e.g. health talks to clinic patients) and informal (activities at grass root level with groups like women or youth).
PSYCH-05 |
- Staging of motivations to change
- Motivational interviewing
- CBT, cue exposure therapy and standard alcohol/ substance use therapies
- Innovative approaches like addressing subculture and using empowerment
- Medical management of substance use problems like alcohol/opioid detoxification and disulfiram therapy.
- Substance use prevention in community using innovative approaches
- Community based and hospital based
- Identify stages of change patients present in
- Understanding and achieve basic skills of motivational interviewing
- Construct a management plan for inpatient alcohol detoxification.
- Achieve basic understanding of conducting community based substance use prevention activities.
- Involve family/ significant others in substance use therapy.
- Observation of inpatient alcohol detoxification.
- Clerking of patients under supervision of a person competent in motivational interviewing.
- Visits to a community based specialised alcohol, drug and tobacco treatment centre.
- • Home visits for assessment of clients and relevant subcultures.
- Follow up home visits for clients.
- Observation of community based prevention activities like small group discussions in real communities.
PSYCH-06 |
Liaison Psych
- Medically unexplained symptoms
- Psychology of physical diseases
- Psychiatry related to end of life, live transplantation and breaking bad news
- Standard liaison psychiatry including neuropsychiatry
- Appraise assessment and treatment of medically unexplained symptoms.
- Identify presentations in standard liaison psychiatry.
- Appraise psychological issues in end of life, live transplantation and breaking bad news
- Understand psychology of physical diseases.
- Observation of assessment and management of patients with medically unexplained symptoms and in liaison psychiatry setting
- Observation of actual therapies.
- Visits to outpatient department.
- Clerking of patients under supervision.
PSYCH-07 |
Old Age
- Assessment and treatment of psychiatry presentations in old age; dementia, delirium, mood disorder, psychosis, anxiety disorders and others.
- Neuropsychological testing
- Other important aspects of management; Capacity, best interest decisions, medico-legal framework, role of social work, protecting independence, autonomy and dignity
- Hospital and community based
- Familiarize with the mental health conditions affecting older adults
- Appreciate the importance of comprehensive assessment and ways to facilitate assessment
- Familiarize with the neuropsychological testing
- Identify and describe the roles played by multidisciplinary team members in providing holistic care
- Familiarize with the medico-legal and social aspects of management
- Weekly old age clinic attendance
- Old age liaison referrals
- Participate in community visits and visits to residential homes
- Participate in Multidisciplinary team meetings and multidisciplinary work
- Observe neuropsychological testing.