
Colombo Medical Congress 2021 – 25th to 27th November 2021 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo

The congress themes this year ‘NCD and COVID-19: Tackling Two Pandemics Through Collaborative Research’ highlights a key discussion on the twin challenges that is present. Jointly organized by the Colombo Medical Faculty Alumni Association (CoMSAA) and the Research Promotion and Facilitation Centre (RPFC) of the faculty, aligning with the Annual Research Symposium of the University of Colombo.


  • Pre-Congress Workshop – 22 November 2021  (Click here)
  • Inauguration – 25 November 2021  (Click here)
  • Satellite Symposium – 25 November 2021
  • Academic Sessions – 26 November 2021  (Click here)
  • Academic Sessions – 27 November 2021  (Click here)
  • Cultural Show – 27 November 2021  (Click here)