The Department of Community Medicine contributes substantially to the faculty by teaching and training undergraduates in Community Medicine which runs as Community Steam from the first year to the final year. We also contribute to teach community perspectives of other subjects in the undergraduate curriculum. Outside the faculty we contribute to teaching in the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, other faculties of the University of Colombo and Other Universities.
The department is involved in many other teaching, service and research activities. University Community Health Project (UCHP) in the Pitakotte Medical Officer of Health area is the training area for Community Medicine. Many services are provided to people in this area from the department. Some of those are Clinics for Senior Citizens, Health Promotion Clinic for Working adults and Maternal and Child Health Clinics.
Multitude of other training programs such as Certificate courses in occupational health and safety, nutrition and dietetics, biostatistics and epidemiology, health care waste management and workshops on professionalism, soft skills development are some other training programs offered.
Staff of the department is involved in a many diverse research projects some of which are infant feeding, mind and soft skills development through meditation, obesity, critical care, epidemiology and many more.
The electives offered by the department include subjects of preventive health, public health, health management, insight meditation and non-communicable diseases.