The Centre for Disability Research, Education and Practice (CEDREP)
CEDREP is established at the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, with the aim of promoting and providing academic leadership in the fields of disability research, education and practice for national and international agencies and organizations concerned about people with disabilities and their families. The Centre draws together accumulated knowledge and expertise of the academic staff of the University of Colombo and other partners to be an active partner in national disability policy and strategy formulation to create a culture of inclusion.
Devices & Software
Each student is assigned a Personal Tutor and introduced to each other on the first day at the Faculty. Please obtain the contact numbers of your tutor, and contact them if you are facing any difficulty. They will support you or direct you towards specialized support services when required. If at some stage of your undergraduate training you feel that you are unable to continue with the programme, please seek the guidance of the Student Counselors or your Personal Tutor.
What is Personal Tutor Programme?
- It is a very special and important program to support students who enter the faculty. It is important for you right from the time you enter the faculty until you graduate.
- Your personal tutor is an academic staff member who has the necessary skills, attitudes, and experience to help you and look after your well-being.
- Your personal tutor is the primary focal point for you at the faculty when you have an academic or personal problem and need support.
When should you see your Personal Tutor?
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic you may be facing difficulties and challenges. It is very important to keep in touch with him/her during these challenging times.
- New students may need support, especially during the 1st year and mostly during the 1st term. Minimum would be to see him/her after each continuous assessment exam during the first few terms. •
- Throughout the time you are at the faculty, especially when you have any problems or need support!
How can your Personal Tutor help you?
- The personal tutor may be able to support you or help you settle your problems.
- Else he/she can direct you to relevant people who would be able to give additional support and help.
- For example, you should contact your personal tutor if you want:
- a referral to see a student counselor
- to apply for hostel accommodation
- to apply for financial assistance etc.
How can you keep in contact with your Personal Tutor?
- By calling
- Through WhatsApp messages
- Via email
Develop a good professional relationship with your personal tutor. Meet him/her at regular intervals. He/she is one of the key persons of importance to you at the faculty.
Accommodation for students is provided in hostels belonging to the University of Colombo. There are two main hostels that are home to almost 700 students of our faculty. These hostels are located within a five-minute walk to the faculty departments, lecture halls, library and most state hospitals in Colombo. We offer residential facilities to the students at a nominal charge.
Our hostels are of the traditional dormitory style where you live with one other roommate in the same bedroom. Washrooms and shower areas are shared by the students residing on the same floor. The dining room and recreational areas are located separately.
Our main hostel facilities are situated at De Saram Place hostel (all female) and Bloemfontein hostel (male and female).
All hostels are alcohol and smoking free and have Wi-Fi facilities. Meals are cooked in the hostel kitchens. A unique life experience is that students take turns to collect money from their hostel mates for the meal tokens, make menus, and provide the catering staff with the necessary food items.
For more details:
De Saram |
Warden | Prof. Sudarshani Wasalathanthri (Department of Physiology) | +94 112 695 300 Ext:203 |
Sub Warden | Ms. Shashi Gamage | +94 112 681 121 |
Bloemfontein |
Warden | Dr. Rezni Cassim (Department of Surgery) | +94 112 671 846 |
Academic Sub Warden | Dr. Sanath Senanayake (Department of Parasitology) | +94 112 695 300 Ext:182 |
Sub Warden | Mr. Danushka Sampath | +94 112 691 789 |
Map of the Hostels
In addition to the Gymnasium facilities in the Faculty of Medicine, as students of the University of Colombo, students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicines are entitled to all sport and recreation facilities and Gymnasium facilities of the University of Colombo.
The in-house cafeteria within the main faculty building provides Sri Lankan style breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and beverages at an extreme concessionary rate to the students and the staff. The cafeteria is open from …. am to …. pm seven days of the week. Food safety and cleanliness is monitored by a Canteen Committee that is appointed by the Faculty Board.
There are many other eateries which offer a wide range of foods and beverages, within a 500 metre radius of the faculty.
Faculty bookshop provides all stationery requirements of the students, staff. Also, it provides all photocopying and binding needs of the students and staff.
The common area for students serves the students during their free time. It has a television, paper desk, lockers, Medical Faculty Students’ Union room and the Medical Students’ Welfare Society room with a photocopying facility where stationery is available at a reasonable price. Indoor games for students are also available in this area. The faculty canteen is used by the students and staff members. It is open from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on weekdays and till 12 noon on Saturdays. The canteen provides food at subsidised rates for the benefit of students.