Diagnostic Services for Histopathology and Cytopathology
Diagnostic services are provided for specimens recieved from Professorial medical unit, Professorial surgical unit, Professorial gyneacology unit from NHSL, Professorial obstetric unit at DMH, Professorial Peadiatric unit at LRH, Urology ward 22 at NHSL, Dermatolgy unit at NHSL in ward 13 and renal biopsies from all around the country.
Cervical Cytology screening and diagnostic service is provided for the National Cervical Cancer control program through the Family Health Bureau of the Ministry of Health.
Referral service is provided for cases referred for second opinion/ expert opinion by a panel of Departmental pathologists. Expert opinion is provided in the fields of Renal, Soft tissue, Bone, Genitourinary, Gynaecological, Breast, Thyroid pathology, Dermatopathology, paediatric and perinatal pathology, Cytology including Cervical Cytology.
Laboratory Services for Haematology
The following testing services are available at the haematology section.
- Full blood count
- Blood picture
- Reticulocyte count
- Bone marrow biopsies
- Special tests – PNH, G6PD deficiency, Hereditary spherocytosis, Anti cardiolipin antibodies
Centre for Diagnosis and Research in Cancer (CeDARC)
Objective II – Conduction of high-quality, translational research that will be beneficial for determining risk factors, biological behaviour and prognosis of cancers affecting Sri Lankans.